How do I get to 80 on NetGalley?

80% Badge’s requirement based on NetGalley: “Members who provide feedback for 80% (or more) of their approved titles receive this badge. In order to qualify, members must have been approved for 20 titles (or more).” So, the “read now” titles will not count towards the 20 approved titles.

What badges can you get on NetGalley?

You get your first badge at 10 reviews, then 25, 50, 100, 200, and 500. The Top Reviewer badge is earned when three or more of your reviews have been featured by a publisher.

How do you get auto approved on NetGalley?

A publisher may auto-approve someone they already have a relationship with (a member of the media, librarian, blogger, bookseller, etc.) or someone who has requested their books, has a strong profile, and submits reviews for their books regularly. Was this article helpful?

Can you DNF a NetGalley book?

At NetGalley, we recognize that DNF reviews can be valuable, but that they don’t always provide the same kinds of intel as regular, full reviews. That’s why if a NetGalley member does not finish a book, they can close the feedback loop by selecting the Will Not Give Feedback option.

What happens if you don’t give feedback on NetGalley?

Submitting “Will Not Give Feedback” will help organize your Shelf by moving the book off your Give Feedback list. But since this information is not a full Review or an Opinion, it will not count towards your overall feedback ratio.

What is recommended feedback ratio on NetGalley?

Our suggestion is to keep your Feedback Ratio close to 80%, meaning that for every 10 books (including audiobooks) you are approved for, you provide feedback for 8 books. Feedback is one or more of: a review, opinion, note to the publisher/author, or information about how you will promote the book.

How do you get badges on Goodreads?

  1. Go to Netgalley.
  2. Go to Dashboard.
  3. Find the Your Badges section.
  4. Click Show Your Pride! Share Your Badges link under the badges.
  5. A page will pop up called Earned Badges.
  6. Leave that page up and open a new tab with your goodreads profile. Click edit.
  7. Scroll to your about me section.
  8. Click back to the Negalley tab.

What is an open widget on NetGalley?

A widget is a pre-approved link that you can use to invite a contact to read a title on NetGalley. When a reader receives a widget link, typically via email, they can click on the link, register for free, or login to NetGalley (if they are already a member).

How do I send a widget to NetGalley?

Step 1: Open the email from the publisher that contains the widget. The widget link can appear as a clickable cover image with text or a URL. Click on the cover image or URL. Step 2: This will open your web browser to a unique Sign In page for this particular book on NetGalley.

What is NetGalley archive date?

Archive Date – Some publishers also list an Archive date in the book or audiobook description. This is the date the publisher plans to remove the book from the NetGalley catalog. After this date, you will not be able to download another copy of the file.

Do NetGalley books expire?

Do my books expire? There are two kinds of expiration dates on NetGalley: Expiration Date applies to any protected digital review copy you download: the file expires a set number of days (usually 55 days, though publishers may choose other lengths of time). You can find the expiration date with your program or app.

How do I add NetGalley badge to Instagram?

To post your badge(s) to your blog or website, click “Show your pride! Share your badge” on your Dashboard to grab the code and share the badge on your blog.