How do you calculate time between sunrise and sunset?

Sunrise/Sunset Calculations where the positive number corresponds to sunrise, negative to sunset. Then the UTC time of sunrise (or sunset) in minutes is: sunrise = 720 – 4*(longitude + ha) – eqtime where longitude and hour angle are in degrees and the equation of time is in minutes.

What time is golden hour in Chicago?

Chicago, United States – Position of the sun in the sky on May 16, 2022

Time: Duration:
Golden Hour 19:26 – 20:04 38 min.
Sunset 20:04
Civil twilight 20:04 – 20:36 31 min.
Nautical twilight 20:36 – 21:16 39 min.

How accurate are sunset times?

Regardless of model, she concluded, sunrise and sunset times can’t be reliably predicted to better than 2 minutes. Two minutes might sound inconsequential, but Wilson noted that, if GPS fails, sailors will use celestial navigation.

What is the longest day in Chicago?

June 21, 2022
The June solstice (summer solstice) in Chicago is at 4:13 am on Tuesday, June 21, 2022. In terms of daylight, this day is 6 hours, 6 minutes longer than the December solstice. In most locations north of the equator, the longest day of the year is around this date.

Why do mornings seem darker in January?

The reason mornings appear so dark between December and January is to do with earth’s elliptical orbit of the sun. “This, combined with the tilt of the earth, means that mornings stay darker”, says Dr Marek Kukula, an astronomer at the Royal Observatory, Greenwich.

How do you calculate Sunset?

How do you calculate sunrise and sunset? Sunrise/Sunset Calculations where the positive number corresponds to sunrise, negative to sunset. Then the UTC time of sunrise (or sunset) in minutes is: sunrise = 720 – 4*(longitude + ha) – eqtime where longitude and hour angle are in degrees and the equation of time is in minutes.

What time does the sun rise and set?

• Today’s date: Sat, January 29, 2022 • Time in now: 04:11 am ☼ Sunrise time: 08:40 am ☀ Sunset time: 06:06 pm Length of day: 09h 25m Sunrise, Sunset Times Tomorrow Sunrise, Sunset Times 2022

How many hours between sunrise and Sunset?

Today, for example, where I live, sunrise was 4 hour 57 minutes before noon and sunset was 5 hours 22 minutes after noon. But in Cairo, sunrise was 5 hours 21 minutes before noon and sunset was 4 hours 55 minutes after noon. The difference is because time zones are 1000 miles wide. Local noon is the point when the sun is highest in the sky.

What is the timing of Sunrise?

Sunrise time can be predicted using celestial navigation techniques. For any assumed time around sunrise a line of position is plotted (using the St Hillaire method). [For a refraction correction use -34.5′ – (.18′ x the square root of the height in feet).]