How do you make a FPG-9 glider?

How to Build the FPG-9

  1. Cut out the paper FPG-9 pattern.
  2. Place the paper pattern in the center of the foam plate ensuring that the tail of the pattern stays inside of the curved portion of the plate bottom.
  3. Trace around the pattern with an ink pen.
  4. Cut the foam template out by following the pen lines you just drew.

What is a model FPG-9?

The FPG-9 Foam Plate Glider is a simple, hand-launched glider made from a 9 inch (23 cm) foam dinner plate, featuring a moveable rudder and elevons, allowing for an inexpensive way to teach basic flight mechanics.

How do you make a glider Deepwoken?

The Glider can only be crafted at a Crafting Station or using the Master Craftsman Talent, and must be crafted with two Sticks and two Cloth. The Sharkscale Glider can also only be built at a Crafting Station or with the Master Craftsman Talent, and must be crafted with two Sticks and two Megalodaunt Hides.

Which glider has the best glide ratio?

The largest open-class glider, the eta, has a span of 30.9 meters and has a glide ratio over 70:1. Compare this to the Gimli Glider, a Boeing 767 which ran out of fuel mid-flight and was found to have a glide ratio of 12:1, or to the Space Shuttle with a glide ratio of 4.5:1.

Why wings are swept back?

The main reason airplanes have swept wings is to reduce turbulence. During flight, airplanes encounter turbulence from the friction created as air runs across the plane’s wings. The speed at which an airplane flies will affect the amount of turbulence is encounters.

What wing shape produces the most lift?

Airfoil Three generated the most lift due to the oval arc shape. Lift is caused by the faster movement of air on the top side of an airfoil.

How do I use the FPG-9 Foam template?

Once the instructor has completed the master foam template, the students may use the template to create their FPG-9 planes. 6. Have the students place the foam template in the center of the plate and trace around the template making sure to mark all of the lines. 7. When tracing slits A and B the students only need to make one line.

How to cut FPG-9 with scissors?

Have the students cut out the FPG-9 they just traced by following the pen lines. Important Note – At this time cut along the dotted line to separate the tail from the wing of the FPG-9. It works better if you make all of your cuts from the outside of the plate towards the center of the plate. Do not try to turn your scissors to cut sharp corners.

How do I Fly my FPG-9?

Your FPG-9 is complete and ready to fly. Gently toss the plane directly in front of you. Once it flies reasonably straight ahead and glides well, try throwing it hard with the nose of the glider pointed 30° above the horizon. The FPG-9 should perform a big loop and have enough speed for a glide of 20 – 25 feet after the loop.