How do you perform a parallel execution in TestNG?

To trigger parallel test execution in TestNG, i.e., run tests on separate threads, we need to set the parallel attribute. This attribute accepts four values: methods – runs all methods with @Test annotation in parallel mode. tests – runs all test cases present inside tag in the XML in parallel mode.

Is parallel testing possible with TestNG?

TestNG allows the tests to run in parallel or concurrent mode. This means that based on the test suite configuration, different threads are started simultaneously and the test methods are executed in them.

Can we use multiple DataProvider in TestNG?

However, TestNG parameters enable us to pass the values only once per execution cycle. To overcome this, we can use DataProvider in TestNG that allows us to pass multiple parameters to a single test in a single execution. Using DataProviders, we can easily pass multiple values to a test in just one execution cycle.

How do you run multiple parallel Suites in TestNG?

TestNG: How to Run Multiple Test Suites in Selenium

  1. Create a new project in eclipse.
  2. Create two packages in the projects (name them as com.suite1 and com.suite2)
  3. Create a class in each package (name them as and and copy the below code in respective classes.

How do I run a test on multiple browsers in parallel?

To execute test cases with different browsers in the same machine at the same time we can integrate Testng framework with Selenium WebDriver. Here because the testing. xml has two Test tags (‘ChromeTest’,’FirefoxTest’),this test case will execute two times for 2 different browsers.

Is it possible to run test cases in DataProvider in parallel for each test data given?

The reason behind this is that a DataProvider annotated method has an attribute named “parallel” whose default value is set to “false”. We can run it parallel as well by setting attribute “parallel” value as true. It will save a lot of time.

How do you do parallel execution?

  1. Step 1: Install Java. Selenium software comes as a jar file.
  2. Step 2: Selenium Installation. The next step is to download Selenium.
  3. Step 3: Eclipse Installation. To install the Eclipse IDE, go to the following link and download the eclipse tool.
  4. Step 4: TestNG Installation.
  5. Step 5: Parallel Execution of Test Scripts.

What is the difference between @factory and @DataProvider annotations?

@DataProvider gives you the power to run a test method with different sets of data, and @Factory gives you the power to run all methods inside a test class with different sets of data.

Can we have 2 suites in TestNG xml?

Yes, look up the tag in the testng. xml documentation.

Can Selenium run multiple tests in parallel?

Selenium parallel execution enables organizations to simultaneously run tests in parallel on different devices and browsers to significantly shrink testing times. Parallel testing is a test automation method wherein test cases are simultaneously run on multiple combinations of browsers, operating systems, and devices.