How safe are biosolids?

Biosolids are one of the most studied materials that have ever been regulated by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA). Decades of studies have demonstrated that biosolids can be safely used for the production of crops.

Is sewage sludge toxic to humans?

Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCB), dioxin, brominated flame retardants and pesticides have all been found in sewage sludge. The use of sewage sludge on any open land means that America’s toxic waste may be absorbed by crops and find their way up the food chain and into human diets.

What do biosolids smell like?

Some biosolids have a stronger odour that may be offensive to some people, while most biosolids have a slightly musty, ammonia odour. Sulphur and ammonia compounds (both plant nutrients) in biosolids are normally the cause of these odours.

Do organic farms use biosolids?

And sewage sludge is already sprayed on conventional farm fields across the U.S. The only sector of agricultural land restricted from using biosolids is that of certified organic farms.

Can germs contained in biosolids affect human health?

A University of North Carolina study found 75% of people living near farms that spread biosolids experienced health issues like burning eyes, nausea, vomiting, boils and rashes, while others have contracted MRSA, a penicillin-resistant “superbug”.

How do you treat human waste for fertilizer?

Composting Toilets The human nutrient cycle goes like this 1) grow food 2) eat it 3) collect and process organic residues (feces, urine, food scraps) 4) return the processed organic matter to the soil, thereby enriching the soil and enabling more food to grow!

Does China use human waste as fertilizer?

Human waste is used as an agricultural fertilizer in China and elsewhere. Because the eggs of many helminth species can survive in environmental media, reuse of untreated or partially treated human waste, commonly called night soil, may promote transmission of human helminthiases.

How do I protect myself from biosolids?

Wash hands thoroughly with soap and water after contact with biosolids. Avoid touching face, mouth, eyes, nose, genitalia, or open sores and cuts while working with biosolids. Wash your hands before you eat, drink, or smoke and before and after using the bathroom. Eat in designated areas away from biosolids-handling activities.

Is your biosolid safe?

Though regulators and industry don’t know what’s in biosolids, there’s strong evidence that it can be dangerous.

Where are Biosolids used?

In some European countries such as Germany and the Netherlands, almost all biosolids are applied on agricultural land. In fact, the widespread popularity of biosolids in most industrialized nations stems from the nutritional benefits and soil-conditioning that biosolids provide.

Can biosolids help protect groundwater?

The same reactions in the soil that protect crops will also protect groundwater supplies. Researchers have fed biosolids directly to beef and dairy cattle at 10 percent to 20 percent of their diet with no negative health results.