How will you implement your own queue class in C++?

The following queue implementation in C++ covers the following operations:

  1. Enqueue: Inserts a new element at the rear of the queue.
  2. Dequeue: Removes the front element of the queue and returns it.
  3. Peek: Returns the front element present in the queue without dequeuing it.
  4. IsEmpty: Checks if the queue is empty.

How do I create a queue?

To successfully create a new queue, you must provide a queue name that adheres to the limits related to queues and is unique within the scope of your queues. After you create a queue, you must wait at least one second after the queue is created to be able to use the queue.

How do I add elements to my queue?


  1. STEP 1 START.
  2. STEP 2 Store the element to insert.
  3. STEP 3 Check if REAR= MAX-1 then write Overflow else goto step 5.
  4. STEP 4 Check if REAR= -1 then. set FRONT=REAR=0. else. set REAR=REAR+1.
  5. STEP 5 set QUEUE [REAR]=NUM.
  6. STEP 6 STOP.

What is queue in data structure?

Queue is an abstract data structure, somewhat similar to Stacks. Unlike stacks, a queue is open at both its ends. One end is always used to insert data (enqueue) and the other is used to remove data (dequeue). Queue follows First-In-First-Out methodology, i.e., the data item stored first will be accessed first.

How do I add to my queue?

Enqueue an element

  1. STEP 1 START.
  2. STEP 2 Store the element to insert.
  3. STEP 3 Check if REAR= MAX-1 then write Overflow else goto step 5.
  4. STEP 4 Check if REAR= -1 then. set FRONT=REAR=0. else. set REAR=REAR+1.
  5. STEP 5 set QUEUE [REAR]=NUM.
  6. STEP 6 STOP.

How do you create a queue algorithm?

Enqueue Operation

  1. Step 1 − Check if the queue is full.
  2. Step 2 − If the queue is full, produce overflow error and exit.
  3. Step 3 − If the queue is not full, increment rear pointer to point the next empty space.
  4. Step 4 − Add data element to the queue location, where the rear is pointing.
  5. Step 5 − return success.

How do you represent queue give an example?

We can easily represent queue by using linear arrays. There are two variables i.e. front and rear, that are implemented in the case of every queue. Front and rear variables point to the position from where insertions and deletions are performed in a queue.