What are air hockey paddles called?

A striker (sometimes called a goalie, mallet or paddle) consists of a simple handle attached to a flat surface that will usually lie flush with the surface of the table. The most common paddles, called “high-tops”, resemble small plastic sombreros, but other paddles, “flat-tops”, are used with a shorter nub.

Are all air hockey pucks the same size?

Professional rules for air hockey are very specific when it comes to puck size. While the official rules state that a puck must be “exactly” 3.5 inches in diameter, all of the full-sized replacement pucks by the professional air hockey tables are 3 1/4 inches in diameter.

Does the puck float in air hockey?

A powerful air current was forced through these holes by electric pumps to create an air cushion, upon which the puck would float – just like the puck ‘floats’ on the ice during an ice hockey match.

What size are air hockey paddles?

Professional air hockey paddles are also heavy; they weigh around 4.5 ounces and 4 inches in diameter.

Is there a professional air hockey?

Yes, air hockey is a professional sport. Join a master and his student on a quest for the championship — and a regulation table that isn’t broken.

How do you clean a hole in an air hockey table?

Although there are many ways to clean the air holes on your air hockey table, the easiest is to simply turn on the fan and use a toothpick or drill bit to clean out each one. Most people prefer a toothpick so they can have their friends help them as there are quite a few holes in an air hockey table.

How much does an air hockey table cost?

Price. Small air hockey tables and tabletop models can be found for under $100, though larger versions with lots of extras and features can go for well over $1,000. If you want something that meets regulation sizing standards, you’re probably looking at $800 or more.

What does a hockey puck weigh?

– 6 ounces
A standard hockey puck is always black in color and is 1 inch thick, 3 inches in diameter, and weighs 5.5 – 6 ounces. The blue ice puck for junior hockey players usually weighs 4 ounces.
