What are complications of percutaneous coronary intervention?

Complications can include:

  • Injury to the heart arteries, including tears or rupture.
  • Infection, bleeding, or bruising at the catheter site.
  • Allergic reaction to the dye or contrast used.
  • Kidney damage from the dye or contrast.
  • Blood clots that can lead to stroke or heart attack.

Which is the most common complication after coronary angiogram?

The main risks of coronary angiography include:

  • bleeding under the skin at the wound site (haematoma) – this should improve after a few days, but contact your GP if you’re concerned.
  • bruising – it’s common to have a bruise in your groin or arm for a few weeks.

What is the expected outcome of a percutaneous coronary intervention?

The primary outcomes included death from any cause, stroke, transfusion, bleeding, and major bleeding. Post-PCI stroke was defined as a loss of neurological function caused by an ischemic or hemorrhagic event with residual symptoms lasting at least 24 hours after onset or leading to death.

What are some complications that could occur from a stent?

What are the complications associated with inserting a stent?

  • an allergic reaction to medications or dyes used in the procedure.
  • breathing problems due to anesthesia or using a stent in the bronchi.
  • bleeding.
  • a blockage of the artery.
  • blood clots.
  • a heart attack.
  • an infection of the vessel.

What are 3 complications of angiogram procedure?

Potential risks and complications include:

  • Heart attack.
  • Stroke.
  • Injury to the catheterized artery.
  • Irregular heart rhythms (arrhythmias)
  • Allergic reactions to the dye or medications used during the procedure.
  • Kidney damage.
  • Excessive bleeding.
  • Infection.

What are 3 risks of having an angiogram?

Angiograms are generally safe, complications occur less than 1% of the time. However, there are risks with any test. Bleeding, infection, and irregular heartbeat can occur. More serious complications, such as heart attack, stroke, and death can occur, but they are uncommon.

Which is a potential complication of angioplasty?

The most common angioplasty risks include: Re-narrowing of your artery. When angioplasty is combined with drug-eluting stent placement, there’s a small risk the treated artery will become clogged again. The risk of re-narrowing of the artery is higher when bare-metal stents are used.

What are complications of angioplasty?

The risks associated with angioplasty and stents include:

  • allergic reactions to medication or dye.
  • breathing problems.
  • bleeding.
  • blood clots.
  • infection.
  • kidney damage.
  • re-narrowing of your artery, or restenosis.
  • rupture of your artery.

What is a high risk PCI?

The term high-risk percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) refers to a spectrum of procedures in patients with one or more of the following features: unprotected left main coronary artery disease (CAD), intervention of the last patent vessel left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF) <35%, complex 3-vessel disease, or …

What is the outcome for PCI?

PCI prevents death, cardiac death, and myocardial infarction in patients presenting with unstable coronary artery disease. In patients with truly stable coronary artery disease, PCI shows no evidence of an effect on any of these outcomes.