What are the legacies of slavery?

RACE, HEALTH, AND MEDICINE The social and physical legacy of American slavery as reckoned in persistent race-based inequalities in health care, childbirth, and early childhood outcomes—as well as community-based healing and health care traditions.

What is the legacy of European colonialism in Africa?

By plundering Africa’s resources and carving it up into artificial states, Europe’s colonial powers created vicious cycles of violence, poverty, and authoritarianism that are playing out to this day. But overcoming this legacy will require much more than toppling statues in Bristol.

What was the impact of slavery in Europe?

The Atlantic slave trade contributed to the activity of many provision and redistribution markets, and enabled the creation of large fortunes that were invested in highly diverse activities and forms of consumption.

What was slavery like in Europe?

Yet into the 14th and 15th centuries, medieval Europeans continued to own slaves, trade in slaves, and enslave each other as well as non-European others. They used slaves for agricultural and artisanal labor as well as domestic, sexual, reproductive, and military service.

What is mean by legacies?

Definition of legacy 1 : a gift by will especially of money or other personal property : bequest She left us a legacy of a million dollars. 2 : something transmitted by or received from an ancestor or predecessor or from the past the legacy of the ancient philosophers The war left a legacy of pain and suffering.

What are some of the legacies of European colonization?

The process of colonialism left a legacy that infuses modern globalization. As Western European nations overtook control of various areas, leaders and merchants moved many indigenous peoples from their homelands to solve labor shortages faced by the colonial powers.

What were the colonial legacies?

Even the term ‘colonial legacies’ implies the influences and outcomes of colonialism are in fact over, yet contemporary economic, political and social structures across regions in Africa continue to be shaped by their distinctive experiences from the period of colonialism.

Was slavery an issue in Europe?

Slavery was at the core of European society and economic development from at least the time of the Roman Empire, and this remained the case in the Mediterranean until the nineteenth century. And slavery existed outside Europe and European colonies as well.

When did slavery end in Europe?

In 1834, the Abolition Act abolished slavery throughout the British Empire, including British colonies in North America. In 1847, France would abolish slavery in all its colonies.