What do Elodea cells look like after plasmolysis?

When the Elodea was placed in the salt solution, the vacuoles disappeared and the protoplasm came away from the cell wall making the organelles appear to be clumped in the middle of the cell. Such cells are said to be plasmolyzed.

What happens to the cell after plasmolysis?

When a cell undergoes complex plasmolysis, the plasma membrane and protoplast lose so much water that they completely detach from the cell wall. The cell wall collapses in a process called ctyorrhysis. Convex plasmolysis cannot be reversed, and results in the destruction of the cell.

What happened to the Elodea cells when you added distilled water to the slide vs the 10% NaCl?

distilled water? On the Elodea cells the 10% NaCl solution causes the cell membrane to shrink but the cell wall of plants prevents the entire cell from shrinking. Because of this the cell appears to have the chloroplasts clustered in the center.

What happens to Elodea cells?

Elodea cells, when placed in a hypertonic solution, will lose water through osmosis. This will make them flaccid. The central vacuole reduces and eventually disappears. The cell membrane pulls away from the cell wall and the organelles appear concentrated at the center of the cell.

What was the appearance of the Elodea cells in hypotonic solution?

What was the appearance of the Elodea cells in hypotonic solution? The cell membrane was pressed against the cell wall, and the cell was almost bursting.

What happens to Elodea cells in a hypotonic solution?

Thus, a hypotonic solution has more water than the cell and water has a tendency to move (diffuse) into the cell. Placing Elodea cells into 100% water, which is more hypotonic than freshwater, also causes water movement into of the cells resulting in the swelling of the cells.

What is plasmolysis describe the process with suitable diagram?

(a) Plasmolysis can be defined as the shrinkage of the cytoplasm of a plant cell, away from its cell wall and toward the centre. It occurs because of the movement of water from the intracellular space to the outer-cellular space.

What happens to the Elodea cells when distilled water is added to the solution?

The chloroplasts are spread throughout the cell both before the salt solution, and after the distilled water is put onto the slide. Distilled water represents a hypotonic solution, yet the cells do not burst because of the cell wall.

What happens to Elodea when placed in hypotonic solution?

Placing Elodea cells into 100% water, which is more hypotonic than freshwater, also causes water movement into of the cells resulting in the swelling of the cells. In plants the outward pressure of the water produces rigidity of the cell, as the plasma membranes are pushed against the cell walls.

What happens to an Elodea leaf in a hypotonic solution?

What does an Elodea cell look like?

This Elodea leaf cell exemplifies a typical plant cell. It has a nucleus, and a stiff cell wall which gives the cell its box-like shape. The numerous green chloroplasts allow the cell to make its own food (by photosynthesis). The central vacuole takes up most of the volume of the cell.

Does Elodea respire in the light or in the dark?

Such experiments have been carried out using the Elodea plant before, and the results of one such experiment as presented in a research report by Dr Norman Herr indicates that light affects the rate at which the Elodea plant makes its own food and, by extension, its ability to maintain optimal growth.

Can Elodea cells live on their own?

The Elodea plant and the individual paramecium cell are both organisms because they can live on their own. The individual Elodea cell, although it shows signs of life, is not an organism. Evidence: The Elodea cells stay in one place; paramecium move around. Elodea cells are stuck together; paramecium are alone.

Are there organelles in Elodea?

Thus, you won’t see cytoplasm or any organelles. What you will see is the cell walls that surround the spaces where the cytoplasm and organelles used to be. Elodea Leaf. Elodea leaf Elodea, also known as Elodea densa, Egeria densa, Anacharis densa or “waterweed”, is an aquatic plant in the family Hydrocharitaceae. Its leaves are only two cells thick, making it possible to easily view those cells and their organelles.

Are Elodea plants harmful in an ecosystem?

One of the few aquatic plants that provides underwater habitat during the winter months. Modest amounts of elodea are generally considered beneficial for the pond ecosystem. Dense growth of elodea can interfere with some uses of the pond, such as boating and fishing.