What does CHERRY MX Blue feel?

They’re more like less linear reds. If you go slow, you can definitely feel the bump. If you go fast, you don’t consciously notice it as much… but you definitely notice the absence if you switch from browns to reds.

Why do people use Cherry MX Blues?

The characteristic of this tactile switch is featured by tactile and audible feedback. Thanks to the striking “click”, the CHERRY MX Blue not only provides noticeable, but also acoustic feedback. The switch with the CHERRY MX click technology is thus establishes itself as a courageous choice.

Are Cherry MX Blues loud?

Cherry MX Blues, on the other hand, are loud and proud. They make their presence known with a distinct snap and click that certainly make them sound like a switch that takes no prisoners. Much like a typewriter, they work and sound best when you reach a natural typing rhythm. Some love this sound.

Are MX CHERRY Blues good?

Conclusion. Cherry MX Blues are absolutely fine for typing. While they lack the precise click of Kailh Box switches and are quite loud, all put together, I really enjoy them. If you’re looking for a no-thrills mechanical keyboard switch for typing, this is it.

Are MX Blues good for gaming?

Let’s dive right in. Despite their popularity, blue switches are not ideal for gaming. The strong tactile bump on each keystroke can prevent you from pressing keys in rapid succession and results in less control in-game. The loud clicky noises can also be distracting when chatting with your teammates.

Are Blues good for typing?

Blue switches are so-called clicky switches. With blue switches, you’ll hear a click when a keystroke is registered. This comes in handy for typing, programming, and playing strategy games. Since you feel exactly when you register a key, you don’t have to press the key all the way.

What is the loudest keyboard switch?

Blue switches
The Blue switches are the loudest, but if you want a slightly quieter click, the Whites are an excellent option as well. The White switches are also slightly heavier, so if you type with a heavy hand, they can help protect you from bottoming out on each keystroke.

Why blue switches are the best?

Are blue switches OK for gaming?

Despite their popularity, blue switches are not ideal for gaming. The strong tactile bump on each keystroke can prevent you from pressing keys in rapid succession and results in less control in-game. The loud clicky noises can also be distracting when chatting with your teammates.

Are blue switches fast?

While this switch type is excellent for typing and can help avoid errors, for gaming they will just slow you down. For gaming, linear is the best option. A switch with no tactile bump or clicking noises is ideal.

How long do blue switches last?

So the switches should last for about 2.8 years according to the Cherry specs.

Do gamers use blue switches?