What does the hydrogen carbonate indicator do?

Hydrogencarbonate indicator is used to show carbon dioxide concentration in solution. The table shows the colour that the indicator turns at different levels of carbon dioxide concentration.

What was the direct cause of the colour change of the bicarbonate indicator solution?

The control bicarbonate solution has a pH of 8.6 and is the color red. The change in color is dependent on the concentration of CO2 in the environment, so cellular respiration and photosynthesis both affect CO2 concentration which causes a change in the color.

What colour does hydrogen carbonate indicator turn when plants are in bright sunlight?

The hydrogen-carbonate indicator solution remained orange. The tube exposed to light changed colour changed colour from orange to purple. In bright light, the rate of photosynthesis is greater than rate of respiration. So, leaf takes in CO2 from the air in the test tube.

What colour does bicarbonate of soda show on an indicator?

The household detergent contained a concentrated solution of sodium bicarbonate, commonly known as baking soda. As shown, the pH paper turns a dark blue: baking soda (in solution) is basic.

What does a color change from red to yellow indicate about the relationship between pH and co2 level?

When the carbon dioxide content is higher than 0.04%, the initial red colour changes to yellow as the pH becomes more acidic. If the carbon dioxide content is lower than 0.04%, it changes from red to magenta and, in relatively very low carbon dioxide concentrations, to purple.

Why is sodium hydrogen carbonate used in photosynthesis experiment instead of water?

Why is sodium hydrogen carbonate solution used instead of water? Sodium hydrogencarbonate increases carbon dioxide availability, and ensures that carbon dioxide is not a limiting factor for the the reaction. Plain water water may not contain enough oxygen so that the maximum rate of photosynthesis can occur.

What gas turns water red?

Add one or two drops of phenol red to the water. Add two drops of sodium hydroxide solution to produce a red solution. Talk or blow gently into the flask – ie add carbon dioxide. Continue adding the carbon dioxide until a colour change is observed.

How does hydrogen carbonate affect photosynthesis?

Sodium hydrogen carbonate – formula NaHCO 3 – is added to the water to supply carbon dioxide – a reactant in photosynthesis – to the plant.

What colour would hydrogen carbonate indicator be at high concentrations of oxygen?

It is normally red. However, an increase in carbon dioxide changes the indicator to yellow and a decrease in carbon dioxide changes it to purple.

What is an acid-base indicator How does its color change with the H ion concentration of the solution What is the indicator range?

Acid-Base Indicator Definition An acid-base indicator is either a weak acid or weak base that exhibits a color change as the concentration of hydrogen (H+) or hydroxide (OH-) ions changes in an aqueous solution. Acid-base indicators are most often used in a titration to identify the endpoint of an acid-base reaction.

What do you expect to happen to the colour of the indicator as CO2 is produced?

Hydrogencarbonate indicator can detect increases and decreases in carbon dioxide concentration. It is normally red. However, an increase in carbon dioxide changes the indicator to yellow and a decrease in carbon dioxide changes it to purple. Photosynthesis only happens in the light.

What does the color change from green to yellow indicate about the concentration of CO2 in the solution what does it indicate about the pH of the solution?

When carbon dioxide is added to the solution, it creates carbonic acid, lowering the pH of the solution. BMB is blue when the pH is greater than 7.6, green when the pH is between 6-7.6, and yellow when the pH is less than 6.