What is dual axis tracking?

The dual-axis tracking device tracks the sun to collect more solar energy. According to the type of axis, the dual-axis tracking device can be divided into two types: polar-axis tracking and altitude–azimuth tracking. Polar-axis tracking is also called spinning-elevation tracking.

Why LDR is used in solar tracking system?

METHODOLOGY The complete operation of the dual axis tracking system wholly depends on the light dependent resistor (L.D.R) which is used as a sensor whose resistance decreases with increasing light intensity. The fully geared stepper motors are implemented for the rotation of the solar panel in two different axes.

Which motor is used in dual axis solar tracking system?

DC motors, stepper motors or servo motors are highly used in the solar tracking systems to motorize the PV panel. In this work, two 180° servo motors are used and Table 1 presents their characteristics.

How does single axis tracking differ from dual axis tracking?

As the name implies, single-axis trackers move on only one axis of movement while dual-axis trackers move on two axes. This means that solar panels with a single-axis tracker can only move from East to West. Having a dual-axis tracker means that the solar panel can move from East to West AND from North to South.

Why do we need dual axis solar tracker?

The dual-axis solar tracker tracks the angular height position of the sun in addition to following the suns east- west movement. The dual-axis works similar to single axis but it captures the solar energy more effectively by rotating its axis along vertical and horizontal axis [1].

What is automatic solar tracking system?

Automatic solar tracker increases the efficiency of the. solar panel by keeping the solar panel aligned with the. rotating sun. Solar tracking is a mechanized system to track. the sun’s position that increases power output of solar panel.

Why we use dual axis solar tracking system?

A dual-axis tracker can increase energy by tracking sun rays from switching solar panel in various directions. This solar panel can rotate in all directions. This dual axis solar tracker project can also be used to sense weather, and it will be displayed on LCD.

What is the use of solar tracker?

Solar trackers are devices used to orient photovoltaic panels, reflectors, lenses or other optical devices toward the sun. Since the sun’s position in the sky changes with the seasons and the time of day, trackers are used to align the collection system to maximize energy production.

How many modules are in a tracker?

Solar Tracker Evolution On the one hand, 1P trackers typically comprised of 90 modules per row in vertical position and, topographically speaking, requiring mostly flat terrains.