What is Jewish education called?

Jewish education (Hebrew: חינוך, Chinuch) is the transmission of the tenets, principles, and religious laws of Judaism. Known as the “people of the book”, Jews value education, and the value of education is strongly embedded in Jewish culture.

What is the purpose of Jewish education?

Jewish education has been a core value to the Jewish people throughout history and is essential to carry on Jewish tradition and values. Jewish education influences Jewish identity, engagement, and continuity.

What is the purpose of a yeshiva?

A yeshiva (/jəˈʃiːvə/; Hebrew: ישיבה, lit. ‘sitting’; pl. ישיבות, yeshivot or yeshivos) is a traditional Jewish educational institution focused on the study of Rabbinic literature, primarily the Talmud and halacha (Jewish law), while Torah and Jewish philosophy are studied in parallel.

What does mitzvot mean in Judaism?

mitzvah, also spelled Mitsvah (Hebrew: “commandment”), plural Mitzvoth, Mitzvot, Mitzvahs, Mitsvoth, Mitsvot, or Mitsvahs, any commandment, ordinance, law, or statute contained in the Torah (first five books of the Bible) and, for that reason, to be observed by all practicing Jews.

What does the word Halacha mean?

the Way
Halakhah, (Hebrew: “the Way”) also spelled Halakha, Halakah, or Halachah, plural Halakhahs, Halakhot, Halakhoth, or Halachot, in Judaism, the totality of laws and ordinances that have evolved since biblical times to regulate religious observances and the daily life and conduct of the Jewish people.

What does BET Talmud mean?

House of Learning
The next stage was Bet Talmud. Oluikpe furthermore (2015, 119) says that from ten to twelve, a child joined the Bet Talmud. The meaning of this term was “House of Learning,” and in this stage the focus was on studying oral interpreta- tions of the Torah and the rest of the Jewish Scripture.

What is a synonym for mitzvah?

as in favor, kindness. Synonyms & Near Synonyms for mitzvah. favor, kindness.

What is Jewish education?

Jewish education ( Hebrew: חינוך ‎, Chinuch) is the transmission of the tenets, principles, and religious laws of Judaism. Known as the ” people of the book “, Jews value education, and the value of education is strongly embedded in Jewish culture. Judaism places a heavy emphasis on Torah study, from the early days of studying the Tanakh .

Why Teach Your Children the Jewish way?

Teach your children!” 4 You’ve probably heard this before—and often—that the Jewish people’s unique take on education is what set ancient Israel In the ancient world, nobody else made educating your children a religious requirement. apart from its neighbors and enemies, and later enabled its people to survive and even prosper in exile.

How did the Jewish schools get so special?

The schools teach Jewish values and life lessons, and the atmosphere “felt like family,” according to students. (Benams Photo) Here’s how that happened—as recorded by the people who led it: Truly, that man is remembered for the good, and his name is Yehoshua ben Gamla.

What is the origin of Jewish day school?

The phenomenon of the Jewish day school is of relatively common origin. Until the 19th and 20th century, boys attended the cheder (literally “room,” since it was in the synagogue, which historically was a building with a bet midrash being the only room) or talmud Torah, where they were taught by a melamed tinokos (children’s teacher).