What is Portugal famous for for kids?

Portugal is a southern European country on the Iberian Peninsula. Its beautiful beaches are a major tourist destination. The country is known historically for its powerful maritime empire, and its soccer (or football) team is internationally recognized today.

What did the Portuguese do in history?

In the early 16th century, Portugal was the most prosperous nation in the world, thanks to its feats of navigation, exploration and conquest. From India, its ships pushed further east, reaching the Spice Islands (Indonesia) in 1512 and China in 1514.

Who first colonized Portugal?

João I
As the King of Spain was also King of Portugal, Portuguese colonies became the subject of attacks by three rival European powers hostile to Spain: the Dutch Republic, England, and France….Portuguese Empire.

Portuguese Empire Império Português
• 1415–1433 (first) João I
• 1908–1910 (last) Manuel II

What did Portugal do to the natives?

Initially, the Portuguese bartered with the natives to bring brazilwood and other forest items to the coast. However, when the natives had accumulated all the tools and pots that they needed, they showed a lack of interest in continuing the arrangement. Consequently, the Portuguese turned to violent persuasion.

What are 5 interesting facts about Portugal?

12 Interesting and Fun Facts About Portugal

  • Half of the “New World” Once Belonged to Portugal.
  • Portuguese Is the Official Language of Nine Countries.
  • Portugal Is the Oldest Country in Europe.
  • The Oldest Bookstore in the World Is in Portugal’s Capital.
  • Portugal Is the Largest Cork Producer in the World.

What is Portugal’s traditional food?

Bacalhau, dried and salted cod, is Portugal’s national dish, although saying national dish is a bit confusing as there really isn’t just one recipe for bacalhau. Rumour has it that there are more than 365 different ways to cook bacalhau, and some people say that’s even an under-estimation.

What did Portuguese invent?

These inventions consisted mainly in the improvement of devices and techniques of ocean navigation and coastal cartography, such as the mariner’s astrolabe and the chart of latitudes. On the field of military applications, the construction of cannons and new types of swords, like the Carracks black sword.

Who discovered Portugal?

Vasco da Gama’s squadron left Portugal on 8 July 1497, consisting of four ships and a crew of 170 men. It rounded the Cape and continued along the coast of East Africa, where a local pilot was brought on board who guided them across the Indian Ocean, reaching Calicut in western India in May 1498.

When did the Dutch empire start and end?

Dutch empire: 1595 – 1975 – Oxford Reference.

What religion did the Portuguese spread?

The newly created Portuguese colonies allowed the Catholic church to spread religion through previously inaccessible areas. The reconquista effort in Spain and the establishment of the Spanish Inquisition led to an effort to remove all Muslims and Jews from Spain, or force them to convert to Christianity.

What is the Portuguese culture known for?

The Portuguese participate in many cultural activities, indulging their appreciation of art, music, drama, and dance. Portugal has a rich traditional folklore (Ranchos Folclóricos), with great regional variety. Many cities and towns have a museum and a collection of ancient monuments and buildings.

What territories did the Dutch take over from the Portuguese?

Intruding into Portuguese America, the Dutch captured a number of important cities, including Olinda, as well as the capital of Portuguese possessions in America, Salvador. In the occupied territories, Dutch Brazil was formed with its capital in Maurizstad.

What did the Dutch do in the 1600s?

In 1579 the Dutch set up the United Provinces of the Netherlands. The war continued until Spain accepted Dutch independence in 1648. In the 1600s the Dutch built a large empire around the world. They set up colonies in North America, South America, Asia, and Africa.

What are the names of the Portuguese colonies in India?

 • 1568–1659 Mangalore (Portuguese India)  • 1579–1632 Hugli  • 1598–1610 Masulipatnam (Machilipatnam) 1518–1521 Maldives 1518–1658 Portuguese Ceylon (Sri Lanka) 1558–1573 Maldives 17th century Portuguese India  • 1687–1749 Mylapore 18th century Portuguese India  • 1779–1954 Dadra and Nagar Haveli East Asia and Oceania 16th century 1511–1641

What did the Dutch say about the North Sea?

The Dutch have a saying: “God made the Earth, but the Dutch made Holland.” The North Sea would have washed away the Netherlands if the Dutch had not erected defenses to protect their land. Over the centuries, the Dutch have built series of canals, dams, dikes, and pumping stations to keep the sea and rivers back.