What is the meaning of lengthy discussion?

1 adj You use lengthy to describe an event or process which lasts for a long time. …a lengthy meeting..the lengthy process of filling out passport application forms. 2 adj A lengthy report, article, book, or document contains a lot of speech, writing, or other material.

What is the full meaning of lengthy?

adjective, length·i·er, length·i·est. having or being of great length; very long: a lengthy journey. tediously verbose; very long; too long: a lengthy speech.

What does long term mean for kids?

definition: covering an extended period of time.

What is the synonym of long discussion?

noun. 1’after a long discussion with her husband, she came to a decision’ conversation, talk, dialogue, discourse, conference, debate, exchange of views, consultation, deliberation. chat, tête-à-tête, heart-to-heart. seminar, symposium.

What is the meaning of lengthy process?

You use lengthy to describe an event or process which lasts for a long time.

What is another word for lengthy?

What is another word for lengthy?

long-winded protracted
long prolix
tedious verbose
wordy long-drawn-out
rambling extended

How do you use lengthy?

1. His lengthy speeches always bore me to death. 2. Agreement was finally reached after very lengthy discussions.

What word means long term?

(or aeonic), endless, everlasting, interminable, persistent.

How long is long term?

Something that is long-term has continued for more than a year or will continue for more than a year. Short-term interest rates are lower than long-term rates, because investors want higher rates the longer they lend their money. More than 95 percent of the money raised by the company is long-term debt.

What is an extensive discussion?

1 having a large extent, area, scope, degree, etc.; vast.

What’s another word for discussion?

What is another word for discussion?

debate conversation
negotiations palaver
parley review
talks argumentation
consideration consult