What is watermelon second name?

Xigua is another name for watermelon. There is also ximenia which is a bush that produces a small fruit sometimes referred to as yellow/tallow plum or sea lemon. Xigua (watermelon) Ximenia (bush that produces a small fruit)

What is the characteristics of a watermelon?

It has an oval or spherical shape and a dark green and smooth rind, sometimes showing irregular areas of a pale green colour. It has a sweet, juicy, refreshing flesh of yellowish or reddish colour, containing multiple black, brown or white pips.

What is the meaning of Citrullus lanatus?

The scientific name of the watermelon derived from both Greek and Latin roots. The Citrullus part comes from a Greek word “citrus” which is a reference to the fruit. The lanatus part is Latin, and has the meaning of being wooly, referring to the small hairs on the stems and leaves of the plant.

What is the classification of water melon?

DicotyledonsWatermelon / ClassMagnoliopsida is a valid botanical name for a class of flowering plants. By definition the class will include the family Magnoliaceae, but its circumscription can otherwise vary, being more inclusive or less inclusive depending upon the classification system being discussed. Wikipedia

Is there a fruit that starts with Z?

Ziziphus jujubes is first on our z fruits list. Also known as the red date, Chinese date, or jujuba, this fruit grows on the ziziphus mauritiana shrub and resembles the texture and flavor of an apple while it is immature.

Is there a fruit beginning with Y?

Yuzu. Yuzu is a yellow-green citrus fruit that hails from Japan. It has a thick, knobby rind and a light taste.

How do you describe the texture of a watermelon?

Watermelon is very high in water content, approximately 92%, giving its flesh a crumbly and subtly crunchy texture and making it one of the top favourite thirst-quenching fruits.

What is the habitat of watermelon?

Watermelons originate from tropical Africa south of the equator and are well adapted to warm, seasonally dry habitats. Watermelon culture reached Egypt no later than 3500 years ago. Watermelons require a long, warm growing season and are usually grown for the consumption of their fresh, edible fruit flesh.

What is the history of watermelon?

Watermelon’s history dates back 5000 years to southern Africa where the tough, drought-tolerant ancestor of watermelon thrived. Although we don’t know the exact identity of this plant, we do know it was prized for its ability to store water and was used by indigenous people in the Kalahari Desert region.

What climate do watermelons grow in?

They grow best when daytime temperatures fall between 70 and 80 degrees Fahrenheit, and nighttime temperatures fall between 65 and 70 degrees Fahrenheit. They can thrive in both humid and semi-arid environments, but may develop fungal foliage diseases in humid areas more frequently than in dry areas.

How do water melons grow?

Cultivation. Watermelons are plants grown in climates from tropical to temperate, needing temperatures higher than about 25 °C (77 °F) to thrive. On a garden scale, seeds are usually sown in pots under cover and transplanted into well-drained sandy loam with a pH between 5.5 and 7, and medium levels of nitrogen.

Is Citrullus lanatus edible?

Citrullus lanatus fruits are edible as a febrifuge when ripe completely or almost putrid. Its fruit is diuretic and useful for the treatment of dropsy and kidney stones. Fruit peel is recommended in diabetes and alcoholic toxicity. C. lanatus aqueous extract is a good source of lycopene, glucose, vitamin C, fiber, and β-carotene.

What is the scientific name of Citrullus karst?

Citrullus citrullus (L.) Karst. Citrullus vulgaris Schrad. Momordica lanata Thunb. 1. Citrullus lanatus (Thunb.) Matsumura & Nakai E watermelon. Citrullus citrullus (L.) Karst.; C. vulgaris Schrad.;

Where can I find cucubertia Citrullus?

Cucubertia citrullus L.; Momordica lanata Thunb. • CT, MA, ME, RI; also reported from VT by Magee and Ahles (1999), but specimens are unknown. Gardens, fields, dumps, pond shores.