What type of reaction is step-growth polymerization?

A step-growth polymerization is a stepwise reaction between bi-functional or mult-ifunctional monomers in which high-molecular-weight polymers are formed after a large number of steps.

What is step reaction polymerization?

In step-reaction polymerization the growth reaction proceeds by combination of monomer, oligomer, or polymer molecules with other monomer, oligomer, or polymer molecules.

What is step growth polymerisation explain with an example?

A step growth polymerization refers to a type of polymerization mechanism in which bi-functional or multifunctional monomers form first dimes, then trimers, oligomers and eventually long chain polymers.

What is mechanism of step-growth polymerization?

Step-growth polymerization refers to a type of polymerization mechanism in which bi-functional or multifunctional monomers react to form first dimers, then trimers, longer oligomers and eventually long chain polymers.

What is the difference between chain growth polymerization and step growth polymerization?

The main difference between chain growth polymerization and step growth polymerization is that the chain growth polymerization involves the growth a polymer chain at its ends whereas the step growth polymerization involves the combination of oligomers to form a polymer chain.

What is the significance of the Carother’s equation for step growth polymerisation?

In step-growth polymerization, the Carothers equation (or Carothers’ equation) gives the degree of polymerization, Xn, for a given fractional monomer conversion, p. There are several versions of this equation, proposed by Wallace Carothers, who invented nylon in 1935.

What is difference between chain growth and step growth polymerization?

What is the difference between step growth polymerization and addition polymerization?

This applies to chains of all lengths. The monomer or dimer may react in just the same way as a chain hundreds of monomer units long. But in an addition polymerization, only monomers react with growing chains. Two growing chains can’t join together the way they can in a step growth polymerization.

What is step growth polymerization how is it different from chain growth polymerization explain its mechanism?

What are the basic differences between step growth and chain growth process?

Chain growth polymerisation Step growth polymerisation
*Concentration of monomers disappears early in the reaction. * Concentration of monomers decreases steadily throughout the reaction
*Reaction is fast and polymer is formed at once. *The polymer is formed in gradual steps.

Why monomer used in step growth polymerisation yields long chain polymers?

Once a functional group has reacted on a difunctional monomer, it still has another one that can react. Every monomer can therefore make bonds with two others, allowing for chain formation. This higher functionality is essential for step-growth polymerization.

What is Carother’s equation?