Can nevus of Ota cause cancer?

Nevus of Ota may also lead to malignant melanoma, a type of skin cancer, although this is rare. In one very rare case, the malignant melanoma was found as a tumor pushing against the eyeball. Due to these complications, it is important to see your doctor yearly if you have nevus of Ota.

What is the cause of nevus of Ota?

Nevus of Ota is caused by the entrapment of melanocytes in the upper third of the dermis. It is found only on the face, most commonly unilaterally, rarely bilaterally and involves the first two branches of the trigeminal nerve. The sclera is involved in two-thirds of cases (causing an increased risk of glaucoma).

Is Nevus of Ota rare?

Nevus of Ota is a dermal melanocytosis seen along the distribution of ophthalmic and maxillary divisions of the trigeminal nerve. Only 12 cases so far have been reported in English literature and it is rare in Indian subcontinent.

What is OTA treatment?

Nevus of Ota is a type of dermal melanocytosis that causes brown-blue hyperpigmentation of the eye and the surrounding area. The treatment choice for Nevus of Ota is laser therapy. Treatment can begin at any time, including early infancy.

How many sessions does it take to remove nevus of Ota?

The clinical efficacy of the QS ruby laser (QS ruby) was later confirmed in a study of 114 nevus of Ota patients who had been treated with a QS ruby. [23] The study demonstrated that a good-to-excellent degree of lightening was achieved after 3 or more treatment sessions.

Is nevus of Ota hereditary?

Nevus of Ota is non-hereditary pigmentation disorder, which is more frequent in females than males. Unilateral presentation is typically seen, but bilateral involvement is described in 5–10% of patients.

How much is nevus of Ota removal?

Treatment of Nevus of Ota birthmarks is considered cosmetic and is not covered by insurance. Treatment costs typically range from $500-$1500 per treatment and typically 6-12 treatments are required for a satisfactory result.

How is nevus of Ota diagnosed?

Diagnosis. Nevus of Ota is diagnosed clinically by physical exam that typically reveals unilateral hyperpigmented lesions within the V1/V2 trigeminal nerve distribution along the sclera, iris, eyelids, nose, forehead, cheeks, areas around the eye, or side of face.

Can Nevus of Ota be associated with intracranial melanoma?

We report the case of a 29-year-old woman with a long-standing history of nevus of Ota who presented acutely with an intracranial melanoma as an extension of a primary uveal melanoma. Nevus of Ota is a hyperpigmented dermatosis that typically is distributed along the ophthalmic (V1) and maxillary (V2) branches of the trigeminal nerve.

What does Nevus of Ota look like?

Nevus of Ota usually looks like a bluish or brownish pigment and appears in the areas of your face controlled by your trigeminal nerve. This nerve runs along the side of your face and is responsible for providing feeling to your face. The areas that can be affected are your eye area, forehead, temple, cheek, and nose.

What are the treatment options for nevus of Ota?

Treatment options for nevus of Ota include cosmetic therapies to cover up the lesion versus destructive therapies. Distructive modalities that have been tried with varying degrees of success and side effects include cryotherapy, dermabrasion, and electrodessication, all of which can leave scarring and hypopigmentation.

What is the lifetime risk of nevus of Ota?

Though intraocular melanomas are more common in these patients, their lifetime risk is though to be 4%. Patients with the Nevus of Ota should be examined at least every 6 months by an eye-cancer specialist and a neurologist. The Nevus of Ota appears as increased pigmentation of one eye and its eyelids.