Can you pull a muscle behind your knee?

Tendon and muscle injuries causing pain behind knee Rarely, a small tendon called the popliteus wrapping around the outside of the knee joint can become swollen and painful. In addition, hamstring muscle tears can occur close to the outside of the knee. Usually, these tears occur about 5cm above the knee joint.

How do you know if you pulled something behind your knee?

Knee strain or sprain symptoms General symptoms of a knee strain or sprain include: Swelling, pain and tenderness in and around the knee. Buckling of the knee. Trouble bending the leg.

Can you pull the back of your knee?

A knee sprain – a fall or sporting injury can also cause one of the ligaments in your knee to tear. This can result in instability, swelling and pain – sometimes at the back of the knee. One possible culprit is the Posterior Cruciate Ligament (PCL), which runs in a cross-shape at the rear of your joint.

How long does a pulled knee muscle take to heal?

A minor knee sprain may take up to 6 weeks to heal, while a severe sprain may take months. Follow-up care is a key part of your treatment and safety. Be sure to make and go to all appointments, and call your doctor or nurse call line if you are having problems.

How do you treat a pulled tendon behind your knee?

Tips for quick relief

  1. Rest the knee until it heals.
  2. Hold ice on it for 20 minutes at a time, several times a day.
  3. Wear a compression bandage to support the knee, but make sure it’s not too tight.
  4. Elevate the injured knee on a pillow or several pillows.
  5. Use crutches or a cane to take weight off the knee.

How do I fix the pain behind my knee?

How do you relieve muscle pain behind the knee?

How can I tell if I tore a ligament in my knee?

You may have:

  • Pain, often sudden and severe.
  • A loud pop or snap during the injury.
  • Swelling within the first 24 hours after the injury.
  • A feeling of looseness in the joint.
  • Inability to put weight on the joint without pain, or any weight at all.