Do Stoics believe in free will?

This means that for an individual like you there are only two zones to put interest in: What’s inside your Soul and what’s outside your Soul. So according to Stoicism, everything outside your Soul is strictly determined, then Stoicism is a Determinist philosophy, “except” your soul, that has free-will.

What is Epicurean theory?

Epicureanism is a system of philosophy based on the teachings of Epicurus, founded around 307 B.C. It teaches that the greatest good is to seek modest pleasures in order to attain a state of tranquillity, freedom from fear (“ataraxia”) and absence from bodily pain (“aponia”).

Are Stoics atheist?

Of course – none of the ancient Stoics whose writings survive till this day were atheists (at least not in the modern sense of the word) they all had religious beliefs. Different ancient Stoics had different religious beliefs.

How do Stoics view death?

The Stoics viewed death as natural, a return to Nature. It is the value-judgments we place on death which makes it as terrible as it is. This is the existential dilemma we all will face at one point or another in our lives. It often appears after the passing of a loved one or someone close.

Do Stoics get angry?

Ancient Stoics recognized anger to be a destructive emotion. Here are sixteen ways to do so, based on the writings of the ancient Stoics (mostly Marcus Aurelius, but also Seneca and Epictetus).

Is stoicism like Buddhism?

Similar to Buddhism, Stoicism advises against being ruled and enslaved by desire. This is similar to Buddhism, where desire is what causes suffering, however for the Buddhist it is the renunciation of desire rather than reason which is the key to enlightenment.

Do Stoics believe in an afterlife?

The ancient Stoics rejected a permanent afterlife, and were agnostic about even any kind of temporary afterlife. The afterlife did not play any role at all in their value system or the argument they made for their ethics.

What is the goal of epicureanism?

What is the goal of life? To Epicurus the goal of living was to find happiness through friendship, living humbly and avoiding pain and anxiety. He believed very strongly that by living peacefully and avoiding fear and pain, we could live fully.

Do Stoics cry?

definitely not Stoic to repress emotions. Stoicism has helped me to cry more when needed, but also, to not feel desperate by the sadness or pain. Feelings are important, and we need to take care of them, but also, they are feelings, and we can still see the world rationally while we cry.

Are Stoics nihilists?

So in short: traditional Stoicism is incompatible and therefore distant from nihilism; Stoicism derived from ideal nature is compatible and can be close to nihilism; Stoicism derived from practicality is compatible and can be close to nihilism (and, if you’ve deriving your ethics from practicality alone, probably is).

Can Stoics be happy?

Yes, the Stoics can not only be happy but also feel the full range of emotions. They can be happy, sad, angry, or intense, without the need to hide behind faces emptied of expressions. The Stoics feel emotions as given by Nature but do not get overwhelmed by them.

What is a stoic mindset?

The goal of Stoicism is to attain inner peace by overcoming adversity, practicing self-control, being conscious of our impulses, realizing our ephemeral nature and the short time allotted—these were all meditative practices that helped them live with their nature and not against it.

What are the 4 virtues of stoicism?

The Stoics elaborated a detailed taxonomy of virtue, dividing virtue into four main types: wisdom, justice, courage, and moderation. Wisdom is subdivided into good sense, good calculation, quick-wittedness, discretion, and resourcefulness.

What’s the opposite of stoic?


Is it good to be stoic?

Stoicism type of philosophy is good if you are going through bad time, midlife crisis or in prison. If you are confined, alone and mentally tortured — stoicism brings mental toughness. It is good for you. But, If you are living in this practical world, then Stoicism doesn’t help on how to deal with our times.

What are the 3 mistakes we make when we think of happiness?

2,400 years ago, the Greek philosopher Epicurus said that people were making three mistakes about where to direct their energy in order to be happy: they were over-valuing romantic relationships, money and luxury, and that they were under-valuing friendship, satisfying work and simplicity.

Is Epicurus a stoic?

Epicureanism teaches that we should always avoid these. In summary, a simple heuristic to remember the difference between the Stoics and the Epicureans: The Stoics cared about virtuous behavior and living according to nature, while the Epicureans were all about avoiding pain and seeking natural and necessary pleasure.

What is the good life for an epicurean?

For Epicurus, the most pleasant life is one where we abstain from unnecessary desires and achieve an inner tranquility (ataraxia) by being content with simple things, and by choosing the pleasure of philosophical conversation with friends over the pursuit of physical pleasures like food, drink, and sex.

Do Stoics show emotion?

Stoics give emotions their due. We just don’t believe we owe them a lot. Stoics do have a distinct approach to the emotional life. Stoics would say that being a jerk to people because you’re angry is equally nonsensical.

What are the beliefs of epicureanism?

Epicurus believed that, on the basis of a radical materialism which dispensed with transcendent entities such as the Platonic Ideas or Forms, he could disprove the possibility of the soul’s survival after death, and hence the prospect of punishment in the afterlife.

Do Stoics have emotions?

Stoics do have emotions, but only for the things in this world that really matter. They are the most real people alive. Even within practitioners of the stoic philosophy, there is no agreed definition. There are however, some common characteristics in what they believe.

Do Stoics believe in God?

The Stoics often identified the universe and God with Zeus, as the ruler and upholder, and at the same time the law, of the universe. The Stoic God is not a transcendent omniscient being standing outside nature, but rather it is immanent—the divine element is immersed in nature itself.

Is Epicurus a hedonist?

Epicurus’ ethics is a form of egoistic hedonism; i.e., he says that the only thing that is intrinsically valuable is one’s own pleasure; anything else that has value is valuable merely as a means to securing pleasure for oneself.

What is an epicurean lifestyle?

It means ‘ pursuit of pleasure, especially in reference to food, comfort and other luxuries. All the concepts in the Epicurean Lifestyle are based on the teachings of ancient Greek philosopher Epicurus. He strongly believed that living a life full of simplicity was the way to achieve all the pleasures and comfort.

What is a stoic person like?

Being stoic is being calm and almost without any emotion. When you’re stoic, you don’t show what you’re feeling and you also accept whatever is happening. The noun stoic is a person who’s not very emotional. The adjective stoic describes any person, action, or thing that seems emotionless and almost blank.

What is a stoic lifestyle?

Stoicism is, at its root, a philosophy for minimizing the negative emotions in your life and maximizing your gratitude and joy; it includes mindfulness practices and value-based living. Stoicism is a tool to amplify your human experience, both internally and externally.

Is Batman stoic?

Batman is perhaps the most stoic of all superheroes, and a large part of this is the high premium that he places on reason. He is bound by his principles, never taking a life, but is also willing to exercise a kind of utilitarianism if necessary.

Why is stoicism wrong?

It is true that we cannot control everything, but Stoicism is the wrong response. But Stoicism is unable to work the “magic” of emotion, as Sartre says. In his view, people initiate emotions when they are confronted with obstacles they seemingly have no rational way of overcoming.

What is Epicurean motto?

Epicureanism was later summed up as a motto: eat, drink and be merry, for tomorrow we may die. It is also known as hedonism, the philosophy of good living.

Can Stoics fall in love?

Stoic love is moderated by a sense of future loss, by the potential for betrayal, for the reality that our own feelings might change over time as well. Among the Stoic precepts he carries are the antidotes to Romantic excess. He is ready to love again, but this time he will not fall in love.