How do you do the wish exercise?

Try an exercise about ‘wish’ here. We don’t usually use ‘wish’ in this way for things that are really possible in the future. Instead, we use ‘hope’….Wish + (that) + would:

  1. I wish that John wouldn’t eat all the chocolate.
  2. I wish that the neighbours would be quiet!
  3. I wish that you wouldn’t smoke so much!

What is an example of a wish sentence?

→ I wish he would do his homework. It will not rain tomorrow. → I wish it would rain tomorrow. You will not go to the party.

What are some examples wishes?

Wish sentence example

  • I wish you had called me.
  • I wish you could hear yourself talking.
  • I wish you were here!
  • I just wish he’d lived to return with me.
  • I wish you hadn’t done that.
  • I wish the whole world were like that!

What are your wishes in life?

And wish that your wish has come true.

  • Wish #1: Wealth or Happiness. A no-brainer, surely?
  • Wish #2: Success or Happiness.
  • Wish #3: Fame or Happiness.
  • Wish #4: Status or Happiness.
  • Wish #5: Attractiveness or Happiness.
  • Wish #6: Sex or Happiness.
  • Wish #7: Health or Happiness.
  • Wish #8: Enlightenment or Happiness.

What tense is used after I wish?

The verb after “wish” is one tense back, so that if you are wishing for a different present situation, the tense that follows “wish” is past simple or past continuous. If you are wishing that a past situation was different, the tense that comes after “wish” is past perfect.

How do you use wish grammar?

We use the verb wish or the phrase if only to talk about things which we want but which are not possible: I wish I could see you next week. If only we could stop for a drink. I wish we had a bigger house.

What is a good wish?

Well wishes are kind words, either spoken or written, that share a desire for a person to have good health or good things or that show them support. Usually, we give or send well wishes, often in the form of a card or a social media post. It doesn’t matter if you speak or write you well wishes, though.