How do you get the message in a bottle quest in Borderlands 2?


  1. To activate this mission, you have to first find the bottle.
  2. Follow the marker — you will notice that it may be floating in no-man’s land on your map.
  3. Kill the large Sand Worms.
  4. Time to dig up the treasure.
  5. The mission is completed once you turn it in to the “Wurmater Treasure Chest” you just unearthed.

Where is the treasure in Borderlands 2 message in a bottle?

The treasure is on the north side of the circle on the mini map, under a wooden framework, next to a stairway, and is marked by a black X on the ground. It can be seen from the cliff edge, looking in towards the scrap yard.

Where is the message in a bottle treasure in Magnys lighthouse?

The bottle is beside the wreck. From the top of Magnys Tower, one window to the right of the southern chest, a railing can be jumped on, just to the left side of the fence. This offers a view down to a pillar of stone with grass on the top, and there will be the X.

How do you get the Jolly Roger in Borderlands 2?

Jolly Roger is obtained from the mission Just Desserts For Desert Deserters located in Wurmwater.

How do you get to Herbert’s tapes?


  1. Drop down from Herbert’s shack and go towards the hanging ship.
  2. Approach the tapes and they will scatter.
  3. There are four tapes to collect in total, they can be found on the map here.
  4. Return to Herbert.
  5. Shoot the lock off the chest and open it.
  6. Turn in to Herbert.

How do I get to Wurmwater?

Wurmwater is a new location for the Captain Scarlett and Her Pirate’s Booty DLC expansion and is one of the 29 main loactaions on Pandora. Wurmwater is only accessable by traversing the Oasis.

What is Curse of the porcelain fist?

Curse of the Porcelain Fist! – The user takes increased damage from melee attacks.

Why Borderlands 2 is so awesome?

Borderlands 2 is funny, smart, and gorgeous. The controls are tight, hooking up with other players is a dream, and the PC port is one of the best I’ve ever seen. The Torgue campaign is hilarious

How to complete the Lost Treasure Quest in Borderlands 2?


  • ECHO Recorder
  • Bandits camps Caustic Caverns
  • Lever 1
  • Lever 2
  • Lever 3
  • Lever 4
  • Elevator
  • Lever/Chest
  • How to get money in Borderlands 2?

    Borderlands 2 (obviously)

  • A friend with Borderlands 2
  • A save in which you have reached Sanctuary. (only neccessary if you want to get infinite eridium)
  • Is Borderlands 2 still worth getting?

    Borderlands 2 is one of the greatest games ever made and will pretty much always be worth purchasing. It wasn’t even announced yet, so you still have plenty of time to play this game. It’s definitely worth it. Yes, even if it’s more than 6 years old now, it is still an extremely fun game.