How do you interpret the BASC-2 scores?

T-Scores are often used in behavior rating scales such as the BASC-2, the BRIEF, and the Brown ADD Scales. For most clinical measures on these scales, a high score (above 60) is reflective of modest difficulties and a score above 70 suggests more significant concerns.

What is the mean and standard deviation of the BASC-2?

All tests are standardized with a mean score of 100 and a standard deviation of 15. In this study, both the parent and teacher rating forms of the BASC-2 were used (Reynolds & Kamphaus, 2003).

What does the BASC tell us?

The book demonstrates that the BASC is a clinically sound approach to assessing a number of domains. It measures both clinical and adaptive dimensions of behavior and personality. Scales may be used individually or as a group.

What is functional impairment on BASC?

Functional Impairment Index Indicates the level of difficulty a child has engaging in successful or appropriate behavior across a variety of interactions with others, performing age-appropriate tasks, regulating mood, and performing school-related tasks. BASC-3 Probability Indexes, cont.

How do you explain t-score to parents?

T-scores: T-scores are a type of standardized score, where 50 is the mean with a standard deviation of 10. A high T- score can indicate something good or bad depending on what it is measuring. For instance, a high score on aggressiveness is bad, where a high T-score on social skills would be good.

What is an elevated T-score?

A T-score in the “Elevated” range (i.e., 1.5–2 standard deviations above the mean) usually indicates significant concerns. A T-score in the “High Average” range requires careful consideration and clinical judgment, as this range is the borderline between typical and atypical levels of concern.

What is a clinically significant T-score?

Traditionally, T scores at or above 65 are considered clinically significant; however, in the case of the BRIEF-SR, T scores between 60 and 64 on any of the clinical scales or indexes, may warrant clinical interpretation.

What is a clinically significant T score?

What does Atypicality mean on BASC?

Atypicality—The tendency toward bizarre thoughts or other thoughts and behaviors considered “odd” Depression—Feelings of unhappiness, sadness, and dejection; a belief that nothing goes right. Hyperactivity—The tendency to report being overly active, rushing through work or activities, and acting.

Where can I find information on the interpretation of the BASC–2 scales?

Detailed information on the interpretation of the BASC–2 TRS, PRS, and SRP clinical, adaptive, and content scales can be found in the BASC–2 Manual. Interpretation information on the Clinical Probability Index, EBD Probability Index, ADHD Probability Index, and Functional Impairment Index is provided below.

Why is it important to readminister the BASC-2?

These behaviors may be appropriate targets for intervention or treatment. It can be useful to readminister the BASC-2 in the future to determine progress toward meeting the associated behavioral objectives. General Behavior Issues

Should we use the BASC–2 clinical report to render diagnoses?

As a result, clinicians attempting to render a diagnosis should only use the BASC–2 Clinical Report in conjunction with other sources of information, such as careful history taking, clinical interviewing, and other assessment measures.

Are there any correlations between the BASC–2 and the TRS-a?

aAll correlations were corrected for range restriction based on the standard deviation obtained on the BASC–2, using the variability correction of Cohen et al. (2003, p.58). Table 3.26 TRS-A: Correlations With the Conners’ Teacher Rating Scale–Revised BASC–2 TRS-A Conners’ Teacher Rating Scale–Revised