How do you make Amido black stain?

Weigh 0.1 g of Amido Black 10B powder dye • Add 40 mL of methanol and 10 mL of glacial acetic acid. Gently mix • Set the volume to 100 mL using distilled (demi) water. Gently mix until all the dye is dissolved. Keep the solution at room temperature for 6 months.

How is Amido Black applied?

Amido black is applied by spraying, dipping, or by wash bottle. After treating with Amido, a rinse is applied to wash away background coloring. Coomassie blue—Also a dark blue stain that turns the protein in blood to dark blue ridges. Coomassie blue is applied by spraying, dipping, or by wash bottle.

Is Amido Black staining reversible?

Note: Amido black is not a reversible stain, but more sensitive in detection than Ponceau S, comparable to a Coomassie® Brilliant Blue R stain.

What does Amido black stain?

Amido Black is a general protein stain. It will react with proteins found in blood, but is not specific for blood. The use of Amido Black results in a dark blue to black staining of the protein that can enhance the contrast and visibility of patterns and impressions and allow for easier documentation.

What chemicals are used in Amido Black?

Amido Black

  • Antigen.
  • Protein.
  • Reagent.
  • Ninhydrin.
  • Cyanoacrylate.
  • Luminol.
  • Finger Dermatoglyphics.
  • Distilled Water.

What chemicals are in Amido Black?

Amido black

PubChem CID 135436510
Molecular Weight 595.5
Parent Compound CID 135416993 (2,7-Naphthalenedisulfonic acid, 4-amino-5-hydroxy-3-[(4-nitrophenyl)azo]-6-(phenylazo)-)
Component Compounds CID 5360545 (Sodium) CID 135416993 (2,7-Naphthalenedisulfonic acid, 4-amino-5-hydroxy-3-[(4-nitrophenyl)azo]-6-(phenylazo)-)

What is the purpose of Amido Black in electrophoresis?

Amido black is used to stain proteins on blot transfer membranes. Transferred proteins (>50 ng/band) appear as dark blue bands on a light blue background. Amido black has a sensitivity similar to that of Coomassie blue, but it stains faster.

How sensitive is Amido Black?

Amido black is very sensitive and works well on non-porous surfaces but its high background color (light to medium blue) compromises contrast on multi-colored porous surfaces. Amido Black is a protein stain, and as such should not be considered as even a presumptive test for blood, let alone a confirmatory test.

Does Amido Black work on porous surfaces?

Amido black is very sensitive and works well on non-porous surfaces but its high background color (light to medium blue) compromises contrast on multi-colored porous surfaces.

Does Amido Black damage DNA?

Amido Black 10B a widely used azo dye causes DNA damage in pro- and eukaryotic indicator cells. Chemosphere.

What surfaces can Amido Black be used on?

Does Amido Black destroy DNA?