How do you write a drip email?

6 Steps to an effective email drip campaign

  1. Figure out your goal.
  2. What’s in the emails matters most.
  3. Deliver the information that leads need to make a decision.
  4. Set the timing and frequency.
  5. Segment your campaigns.
  6. Measure stuff.

How do I start a drip course?

How to set up your drip course in Podia

  1. Step 1: Create a new product.
  2. Step 2: Add sections to your course.
  3. Step 3: Set your content drip schedule.
  4. Step 4: Write your drip emails.
  5. Step 5: Add content to each section.
  6. Step 6: Set an (optional) start date.
  7. Step 7: Price your course.
  8. Step 8: Preview your course.

How do I create an automated email course?

The anatomy of an email course

  1. Step 1: Decide what to teach. Before you create anything, figure out what to teach first.
  2. Step 2: Structure your email course. Most email courses are sent over a period of one to two weeks.
  3. Step 3: Create content for your email course.
  4. Step 4: Automate your workflow.
  5. Step 5: Make the sale.

What is an email drip sequence?

Also known as a drip sequence, a drip email campaign is an automated email marketing strategy designed to deliver several emails to a subscriber over a specific period. The emails are triggered by an event or action performed by the customer and are set to go out at predetermined intervals.

What is email drip campaign KPI?

KPIs—or key performance indicators—are measures of the performances of different aspects of an email campaign. There are many different types of insights you can gain from tracking email KPIs. Mostly, you’ll want to know who opens your marketing emails or who forwards them to other contacts.

How do I create a drip marketing framework?

Once you’ve lined up your tools, it’s time to start your first drip campaign.

  1. Identify Your Target Audience. Drip marketing works best when you segment your audiences based on their needs and your goals.
  2. Write Your Messages.
  3. Design the Ideal Drip Campaign.
  4. Launch The Drip Campaign.
  5. Adjust and Reinvent the Campaign.

What is drip course content?

To understand what is drip course content? You need to know the term drip-feeding, which refers to ‘introducing fluid drop by drop or provide gradually and in small amounts. ‘ It is nothing but scheduling the delivery of your online course. You don’t get all content of your course at once; you will get it in stages.

What is a drip schedule?

A Drip Schedule allows you to control when students will have access to your course content, whether you have a specific launch date or want to limit the amount of lessons that can be viewed in a certain time period.

How long should a Mini online course be?

When we refer to a mini course, we mean short online course that typically takes two hours or less to complete. They cover a hyper-specific topic and are often used as a marketing growth tool. And they might be repurposed content or a unit from a larger online course.

Should I create an email course?

Email courses are low risk Because email courses are a minimum viable product, they are the best way to test new content. If you’re not spending your time or your budget on those high-quality assets and features, that means you’re not losing too much if your email course doesn’t do as well as you had hoped it would.

How many emails can be in a drip campaign?

Decide how many touches your drip campaign will have. B2C companies can get away with sending a little more, but B2B companies should resist sending more than five emails every month. Your drip campaign can last from four to eleven emails that are sent four, seven, or fourteen days apart.

How do you Analyse email performance?

Metrics You Must Track

  1. Click-through rate = (total clicks or unique clicks/number of delivered emails) x 100.
  2. Bounce rate = (total number of bounced emails/number of emails sent) * 100.
  3. Conversion rate = (number of people who completed the desired action/number of emails delivered) * 100.