What are 10 interesting facts about Aztecs?

10 Interesting Facts About the Aztecs

  • To be brutally honest, the Aztecs were a rather psychopathic lot.
  • They were also lovers of sports and the arts.
  • The Aztecs developed a complex form of slavery.
  • They introduced compulsory schooling.
  • The Aztecs were probably brought undone by disease, not conflict.

What is Aztec known for?

From their magnificent capital city, Tenochtitlan, the Aztecs emerged as the dominant force in central Mexico, developing an intricate social, political, religious and commercial organization that brought many of the region’s city-states under their control by the 15th century.

What did Aztecs wear?

What did the Aztecs wear for clothes? The Aztec men wore loincloths and long capes. The women wore long skirts and blouses. Poor people generally wove their own cloth and made their own clothing.

Did the Aztecs ride animals?

Neither the Aztec nor the Inca had ever seen humans riding animals before; the psychological impact of mounted troops was tremendous. Hernan De Soto, comrade of Pizarro, famously rode his horse right into the Inca Emperor’s throne room.

What did Aztecs drink?

Water, maize gruels and pulque (iztāc octli), the fermented juice of the century plant (maguey in Spanish), were the most common drinks, and there were many different fermented alcoholic beverages made from honey, cacti and various fruits.

What animals did Aztecs have?

For the Aztec culture, animals were part of their daily life, their diet, their set of ideas and behaviors, their economy, their customs, and their myths. Among the most important animals for Aztec culture are the dog, golden eagle, quetzal, and butterflies.

What are 3 facts about Aztecs?

Top 13 Aztecs Facts for Kids

  • They were the first people to discover chocolate!
  • They made a drink that’s similar to the hot chocolate we drink today.
  • They believed that cacao beans were a gift from the gods.
  • Before settling in Mexico, they were nomads who moved around central America.
  • The Aztecs believed in many gods.

What are 3 facts about the Aztecs?

What did Aztecs do for fun?

The Aztecs did many things considering games and entertainment. The main thing Aztecs would do for entertainment was play various board and ball games. The Aztec people would dance, play music, tell stories and read poems. Music and dance was an important part of the Mesoamerican and South American culture.