What are some quotes that hit hard?

14 Powerful Motivational Quotes You Have Never Heard (but Should)

  • “Only a genius can do things his own way.
  • “If you want to know how much you’ll be missed when you’re gone, put your finger in a bucket of water and then remove it.
  • “We all have limits.
  • “Unless you’re the lead dog of the sled, the view never changes.”

How do you inspire quotes?

Short motivational quotes

  1. “Just one small positive thought in the morning can change your whole day.” —
  2. “Opportunities don’t happen, you create them.” —
  3. “Love your family, work super hard, live your passion.” —
  4. “It is never too late to be what you might have been.” —

What are some quotes about life being hard but getting through?

Quotes about life being hard but getting through it. Go as far as you can see; when you get there, you’ll be able to see further. ~Thomas Carlyle. Tough times never last, but tough people do. ~Robert H. Schuller. Life is always rocky when you’re a gem. Be strong now, because things will get better.

What are hard hitting quotes?

Hard hitting quotes are ones that resonate with you personally. They might mean more to you at a particular time in your life or allow you to express a thought or feeling that you couldn’t otherwise understand yourself. Powerful quotes can remind you of what you need to hear at exactly the right time.

What are the best quotes about being soft and strong?

Being Both Soft And Strong Is A Combination Very Few Have Mastered. 72. Heavenly Father Knows All About You… 73. Do You Want to Be Happy? Let Go Of What’s Gone, Be Grateful For What Remains And Look Forward To What Is Coming. 74. Once You Start To See Results, It Becomes An Addiction. 75.

Why is life so hard?

Life is hard sometimes, but there is always a reason for why it is. Sometimes life can seem hard, but it’s not necessarily because you’re doing something wrong, it may be because you are doing something right. ~Steven Aichison After sometime it becomes everytime. But then I look to my near ones & sometimes become sometime.