What are the causes of Transtibial gait deviations?


Gait Cycle Phase Gait Deviation Prosthetic Cause(s)
Midstance Lateral trunk bending (MSt, occasionally swing) Pain from the prosthetic socket
Preswing Insufficient push-off (early heel off) Foot is too far posterior, causing shortened anterior lever arm
Foot is too dorsiflexed
Delayed heel off

What is the most unstable phase of gait for the transfemoral amputee?

The most unstable phase of gait for a transfemoral amputee is at heel strike. At heel strike, a moment or torque is created that tends to rotate the shin forward and thus flex the knee, thereby creating an instant of potential knee instability (Fig 20B-2.).

What is a transfemoral amputee?

Above-knee amputation, also known as transfemoral amputation, removes the leg above the knee joint when that limb has been severely damaged or diseased. This mid-thigh amputation is chosen when the lower leg and knee cannot be saved.

What causes excessive knee flexion in gait?

Most common cause in spastic diplegia16,17: isolated lengthening of heel cord in younger children without control of spasticity/contracture of hamstrings/iliopsoas, leading to rapid increase in hip/knee flexion. Result is energy-inefficient gait, with anterior knee pain, patellar pathology in adolescence.

What type of contracture is common in the patient with a transfemoral amputation?

At the transfemoral level of amputation, a hip flexion-abduction contracture can be devastating because the already high energy requirement for ambulation at this level is further increased by contracture.

What does transfemoral mean?

Transfemoral (above knee) amputation is a surgical procedure performed to remove the lower limb at or above the knee joint when that limb has been severely damaged via trauma, disease, or congenital defect.

What is flexed knee gait?

Flexed-knee gait [7] was defined as >15° of knee flexion at initial contact, which corresponds to one standard deviation (SD) above the mean knee flexion at initial contact of a typically developing 6-year-old child.

What is the difference between transtibial and transfemoral gait patterns?

Gait patterns are different than age-matched people without an amputation “Transtibial and transfemoral amputees show a common and specific gait pattern” Transfemoral amputees have a more asymmetric gait than transtibial amputees

What are the different types of gait abnormalities?

Gait Abnormalities – Assessment and Causes 1 Normal gait cycle. The normal gait cycle is divided into two phases (swing and stance phase). 2 Hemiplegic gait. NB: If upper motor neuron signs are present in the upper limb,… 3 Diplegic gait (a.k.a. scissoring gait) Similar causes as hemiplegic gait… 4 Parkinsonian Gait (a.k.a. festinant gait)…

What is a choreiform gait?

Choreiform Gait. This gait is seen with certain basal ganglia disorders including Sydenham’s chorea, Huntington’s Disease and other forms of chorea, athetosis or dystonia. The patient will display irregular, jerky, involuntary movements in all extremities.

What causes neuromuscular gait?

Neuropathic Gait. Seen in patients with foot drop (weakness of foot dorsiflexion), the cause of this gait is due to an attempt to lift the leg high enough during walking so that the foot does not drag on the floor. If unilateral, causes include peroneal nerve palsy and L5 radiculopathy.