What are the three types of parallelism?

Let us look brie y at three types of alternate forms: (1) simple alternate, (2) repeated alternate, and (3) extended alternate. Another A-B/A-B parallelism comes from Exodus 17:11: A when Moses held up his hand, B . . .

What are the three primary characteristics of Hebrew poetry?

The patterns which distinguish Hebrew poetry are found at several levels: sound, meter, word, and imagery. Sound. The two ways in which sound is brought into play are the repetition of consonants (related to alliteration in English poetry) and the repetition of vowel sounds (related to rhyme or assonance).

What is synonymous parallelism in Hebrew poetry?

Psalms. In biblical literature: Psalms. Synonymous parallelism involves the repetition in the second part of what has already been expressed in the first, while simply varying the words.

What is poetic parallelism?

parallelism, in rhetoric, component of literary style in both prose and poetry, in which coordinate ideas are arranged in phrases, sentences, and paragraphs that balance one element with another of equal importance and similar wording.

What are the types of parallelism in the Bible?

Emblematic parallelism occurs where one unit renders figuratively the literal meaning of another. Synthetic parallelism occurs where the units balance, clause for clause, with one unit building upon or adding to the first.

What kind of poetry is in the Hebrew Bible?

Briefly defined, biblical Hebrew poetry is a nonmetrical form of verse characterized above all by verbal inventiveness, a discernible poetic diction and texture, and concision.

What are the 4 common characteristics of Hebrew poetry?

Characteristics of Ancient Hebrew poetry

  • Unusual forms.
  • Parallelism.
  • Quantitative rhythm.
  • Accentual rhythm.
  • The Dirges.
  • Anadiplosis.
  • Acrostics.