What does an employment equity committee do?

As the Employment Equity (EE) Committee, we need to ensure that we analyse the current composition of the employee profile, as well as policies and procedures and eliminate all forms of discrimination within the company as well as set goals and targets in the form of an 3 year Employment Equity Plan.

How often should an EE committee meet?

By law, the forum must meet not less than 4 times annually to ascertain whether the organisation is still on track with its development and transformation.

How do I set up an employment equity committee?

The EE committee should be appointed after a nomination process is completed by the employees within the company, however the company is able to appoint members of the committee should there not be a sufficient number of nominations received to constitute the committee as required.

What does the Employment Equity Act require of employers?

Chapter 3 of the employment Equity act requires that employers take certain affirmative action measures to achieve employment Equity. Employers must analyse all employment policies, practices and procedures, and prepare a profile of their workforce in order to identify any problems relating to employment Equity.

What must be included in the employment equity plan?

An employment equity plan may not apply for less than a year or for more than five years. The plan must outline the steps an employer will take to eliminate practices that constitute unfair discrimination and to remove employment barriers, as well as to achieve equitable representation.

What are the examples of employment equity?

Examples of equity in the workplace

  • Make job descriptions accessible.
  • Skills-based hiring.
  • Provide inclusive incentives.
  • Provide equitable access for all employees.
  • Empower your employees.
  • Ensure equitable benefits.
  • Re-evaluate your equity practices.

What must be included in the EE plan?

What measures should HR take to ensure employment equity compliance?

identify and eliminate employment barriers. implement measures to further diversity in the workplace. make reasonable accommodation for people from designated groups. (i) ensure the equitable representation of suitably qualified people from designated groups in all occupational categories and levels in the workforce.

What are the six 6 steps when developing and implementing an employment equity plan?

Humber’s Employment Equity Program – Implementation Steps

  • Step 1: Initiate an employment equity program.
  • Step 2-1: Conduct a workforce analysis.
  • Step 2-2: Conduct an employment systems review.
  • Step 3: Create an employment equity plan.
  • Step 4: Establish and sustain an employment equity program.

What should be included in an employment equity plan?

What is Section 19 of the Employment Equity Act?

Section 19 of the Employment Equity Act nr 55 of 1998 stipulates that a Designated Employer must conduct an analysis of employment policies, practices, procedures and working environment so as to identify employment barriers that adversely affect members from Designated Groups.