What famous person has a birthday on February 16th?

Here are some of the notable people celebrating birthdays today, including Mahershala Ali, Lupe Fiasco, LeVar Burton, Ice-T, Elizabeth Olsen and Sarah Clarke.

What celebrity birthday is on January 17?

17. Here are some of the notable people celebrating birthdays today, including Calvin Harris, Dwyane Wade, James Earl Jones, Jim Carrey, Kelly Marie Tran, Michelle Obama, Steve Harvey, Zooey Deschanel and more.

Why are January babies special?

January babies have a fiery birthstone. While their birth month is all things snow and ice, January babies’ birthstone, the garnet, is a deep, fiery red. This stone is said to symbolize friendship and trust (two traits that hopefully your baby will inherit, too!).

Which celebrity birthday is today?

More celebrities with birthdays today Actor Buck Taylor (“Gunsmoke,” ″Gods and Generals”) is 84. Actor Zoe Wanamaker (“Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone”) is 74. Actor Franklyn Ajaye (“Car Wash,” TV’s “Deadwood”) is 73. Actor Leslie Winston (TV: “The Waltons”) is 66.

Are January born intelligent?

January babies are smart. Scientists monitored the development of 21,000 boys and girls, and their research indicates winter-born kids had higher scores in a series of intelligence exercises than their peers.

Are January Born successful?

Babies born in January are more likely to grow up to be CEOs. A study of S&P 500 companies from 1992 to 2009, found that 10 percent of CEOs were born in January, ranking them among the top five CEO-producing months.

What celebrities have birthdays on January 16?

Lin-Manuel Miranda

  • Aaliyah
  • John Carpenter
  • Jennie
  • Sidharth Malhotra
  • Vijay Sethupathi
  • Sade Adu
  • Albert Pujols
  • FKA twigs
  • Kate Moss
  • What famous people were born on January 16?

    Famous January 16 Birthdays including Sienna Mae Gomez, Jennie Kim, Ruby Rube, Aaliyah, Lin-Manuel Miranda and many more. The most popular celebs born on this date!

    What does it mean to be born on January 16?

    Those whose birthdays fall on January 16 are under the Capricorn-Aquarius Cusp. This is also referred to as the Cusp of Mystery. You exude a lot of imagination, mystery, and energy. You possess an idealist outlook towards life. Aquarius and Capricorn are contradictory signs.

    Who was born on January 16?

    Renée Felice Smith was born on January 16, 1985 in New York City, New York, USA. She is an actress and producer, known for NCIS: Los Angeles (2009), The Relationtrip (2017) and It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia (2004). 8. Josie Davis A Hollywood, California native, Josie Davis is an actress, producer and writer.