What is a cc in medical term?

Abbreviation for chief complaint, as recorded on a patient’s medical history.

What does the acronym cc stand for?

abbreviation for carbon copy: written on a letter, email, etc. before the name or email address of someone who will receive a copy. cc.

What does CC stand for mL?

cubic centimeter
What’s the difference between a cubic centimeter (cc) and milliliter (mL)? These are the same measurement; there is no difference in volume. The primary difference is that milliliters are used for fluid amounts while cubic centimeters are used for solids. No matter what is being measured, 1 cc always equals 1 mL.

What is CC and BCC?

CC stands for “carbon copy.” BCC stands for “blind carbon copy.” When you put an email address in the CC or “carbon copy” field it means that a copy of the email you are sending will also be sent to that address.

What does cc mean in fluids?

A measure of volume in the metric system. One thousand cubic centimeters equal one liter. Also called cc, milliliter, and mL.

How much is a cc in a syringe?

In other words, one milliliter (1 ml) is equal to one cubic centimeter (1 cc). This is a three-tenths milliliter syringe. It may be called a “0.3 ml” syringe or “0.3 cc” syringe.

What CC means in mL?

cubic centimeters
These are the same measurement; there is no difference in volume. The primary difference is that milliliters are used for fluid amounts while cubic centimeters are used for solids. No matter what is being measured, 1 cc always equals 1 mL.

What does cc stand for mL?

Why do doctors use cc instead of ml?

These are the same measurement; there is no difference in volume. The primary difference is that milliliters are used for fluid amounts while cubic centimeters are used for solids. No matter what is being measured, 1 cc always equals 1 mL.

What does cc stand for in medicine?

What does cc mean in medical terms? CC stands for cubic centimetres, which is the standard of measurement for the amount of silicone or saline inside a breast implant. This measures volume.

What is CC in medical terms?

What does cc mean in medical terms? CC stands for cubic centimetres, which is the standard of measurement for the amount of silicone or saline inside a breast implant. This measures volume. It isn’t related to cup size at all, but rather the implant filling.

What does cc stand for in medical category?

In medical terms, “cc” most commonly stands for “cubic centimeter” It is equal to a millilitre (1 ml) and is used as a abbreviation when we talk about doses of medication. The volume of a teaspoon is equivalent to five cubic centimeters or 5 cc’s. In medicine some things are measured in CCs.

How much is CC in medical terms?

One cc is always equal to 1 milliliter (mL). Therefore, if you are dosing medication and the directions say 1 mL, but your syringe reads in cc, you can rest assured that they are equal in volume. There is no difference between the two, and they are interchangeable. What Are Other Meanings for cc in Medicine?