What is a Hansard in Parliament?

Hansard is the written record of proceedings and debates in Parliament, similar to a transcript. It is not a strictly verbatim record, but rather a verified and accurate record. Repetitions and redundancies may be omitted and obvious mistakes corrected.

Where can I read Hansard?

UK Parliamentary Archives The text of many parliamentary debates (also known as Hansard or the Official Report) can be accessed online for free, or via paid subscription services.

What are the Hansard records?

Hansard. Hansard is an edited transcript – written record – of what is said in the Senate, House of Representatives, Federation Chamber and committee hearings. Hansard records things such as members’ speeches and witness statements made to committees.

What is Hansard rule?

Hansard is an edited verbatim record of what was said in Parliament. It also includes records of votes and written ministerial statements. The report is published daily covering the preceding day, and is followed by a bound final version.

How do I access parliamentary papers?

Access to parliamentary papers The Official Documents website makes available the full texts of House of Commons Papers which originate in government departments.

Where can I find parliamentary reports?

You can use Hansard Online from the Parliament website to access and link through to current and archive Hansard from both Houses. You can search and browse for relevant information. Hansard is also available on the UK Parliamentary Papers database.

Why is a Hansard important?

As well as informing people about parliamentary proceedings, Hansard is an important way of keeping Parliament open and accountable .

Can Hansard be used in court?

Extrinsic aids are matters which may help put an Act into context. Sources include previous Acts of Parliament on the same topic, earlier case law, dictionaries of the time, and the historical setting. In addition, Hansard can now be considered.

​Hansard is the written record of proceedings and debates in Parliament. It is a verified and accurate record rather than strictly verbatim transcript. Repetitions and redundancies are omitted, obvious mistakes are corrected, and interjections omitted unless responded to by the principal speaker.

What is the editorial policy at the House of Hansard?

Hansard has no editorial policy other than the pursuit of accuracy and consistency. A draft copy is published online progressively throughout the day with a full draft transcript usually available within 3 hours of the last House rising.

What is a Hansard record?

​About Hansard. Hansard is the written record of proceedings and debates in Parliament, similar to a transcript. It is not a strictly verbatim record, but rather a verified and accurate record. Repetitions and redundancies may be omitted and obvious mistakes corrected.

When did La Sessional Papers go into the Hansard?

LA Votes: 1976 I 1976-78 I 1978 LA Sessional Papers: 1976-78 Hansard by date Hansard printed index: 1973 – 1974 | 1974 – 1975 | 1975 – 1976