What is a topos in philosophy?

Singular: topos. Also called topics, loci, and commonplaces. The term topoi (from the Greek for “place” or “turn”) is a metaphor introduced by Aristotle to characterize the “places” where a speaker or writer may “locate” arguments that are appropriate to a given subject.

What does the Greek word topos mean?

Topo- is a combining form used like a prefix meaning “place” or “local.” It is often used in scientific and other technical terms. Topo- comes from the Greek tópos, meaning “place” or “commonplace.” Commonplace?

What is topoi example?

Surprisingly, both definitions take the concept of topos/topoi as something self- evident, generally known and widely used, as, for example, bread, table, engine, to write, to clean up, and many other everyday obviousnesses.

What are the four characteristics of topoi?

The best way to understand the way academic arguments–the Aristotelian topoi–occur is to practice reading and writing them. The four links below contain fairly brief descriptions of what are probably the most commonly used Aristotelian topics today: definition, evaluation, cause/effect, and proposal.

What is a point of stasis?

Stasis (plural “stases”) comes to us from the Greek “standing” or “stoppage.” It’s the sticking point at which we realize where and why two or more points of view have come to disagree. Stasis asks not just what we are disagreeing about but what kind of disagreement it is.

What are legal topoi?

To sum up: Topoi are general propositions or concepts that provide premises of arguments used in a certain discourse and are collectively accepted by the participants in the discourse as being plausible.

What does the prefix Medio mean?

, medi- Combining forms meaning middle, median.

What is the meaning of orthos?

straight or erect
From the Greek “orthos” that means just that: straight or erect. Examples of terms involving ortho- include orthodontics (straightening the teeth), orthopaedics (straightening the child), orthopnea (breathing easily only in an upright position), orthostatic (an upright posture), etc.

What is the topoi system?

The topoi (Greek for “places”) date all the way back to ancient Greece; Aristotle used them to approach a topic from different angles, in order to understand an issue more fully, and to discover new ideas with which to construct an argument. The topoi are a series of questions that can be asked of any subject.

Why is topoi useful for speakers?

Firstly, the method of the Topics has a general usefulness in that it helps speakers see the multiple sides of an issue, enabling them to discern the truth and falsehood on a certain matter in a better way. The Topics enables speakers to assess reasons and support beliefs, claims and actions.

What is stasis in rhetoric?

Stasis theory is a rhetorical method or way to decide what is the point of a possibly controversial issue. The objective or intent of stasis theory is to come to an understanding or agreement to which participants can agree in order to address an issue or concern.