What is a tree Jack study?

Tree Jack is an online tool that can be used to remotely test a site’s structure and labels, or information architecture, to be sure that they are intuitive for your users before you go to the expense of creating wireframes or writing content.

What is a good success rate for a tree test?

Because tree tests are so basic, success rates are often much lower than in regular quantitative usability studies. A 67% success rate on a tree test could easily become a 90% success rate on the final design.

How many tasks should be in a tree test?

10 tasks
Set a maximum of 10 tasks per tree test And as each task is scored individually, you can have a few as one task if you have one specific part of the tree you want to test. We recommend a maximum of 10 tasks per tree test for two reasons: More tasks might mean fewer participants complete the entire test.

How do you write good tasks for tree testing?

How to write effective tasks for your tree tests

  1. set a maximum of 10 tasks.
  2. write tasks that test the part of your website you want to improve.
  3. write tasks as hypothetical ‘scenarios’ based on your typical visitors.
  4. use different language than the labels on your tree.

Why do you use a tree test?

Tree testing is used to assess the findability, labeling, and information architecture of a website or app. With tree testing, you can identify navigation issues early on and make improvements to ensure your users can quickly find the information they need.

How do you set up a tree test?

To conduct a tree test, you don’t need to sketch any wireframes or write any content. You only need to prepare two things: the tree, or hierarchical menu, and the tasks, or instructions which explain to study participants what they should attempt to find.

How long does a tree test take?

In general, we recommend an overall duration of 5 minutes for a tree test. This is typically how long it takes the average participant to do 8-10 tasks (our recommended amount) for a medium-size tree (200-500 items).

Is tree testing qualitative?

Tree testing is a qualitative user research method used to assess and improve findability of categories on a website.

Is tree testing similar to card sorting?

Card sorting is closely related to tree testing, another type of usability test. In fact, tree testing is often referred to as ‘reverse card sorting’ as it asks users to seek out information, rather than sort it. The two can be used in combination to design a better experience for a website’s users.

What is the purpose of pre testing?

The purpose of pre-testing is to identify problems with the data collection instrument and find possible solutions. It is not possible to anticipate all of the problems that will be encountered during data collection.

What is tree testing in UX?

Tree testing is a UX research method that allows you to evaluate the hierarchy and findability of topics in a website or app. In a tree test, participants are presented with a text-only version of the site’s hierarchy and asked to complete a series of tasks.

How many participants do you need for a card sort?

We recommend 15 participants for card sorting: with more, you’ll get diminishing returns for each additional user; with fewer, you won’t have enough data to reveal overlapping patterns in organization schemes. Analyze the data.

What can Treejack do for You?

Create and launch your test in no time at all and validate and iterate on designs before you ship any code. Analyzing your tree test results can be done in seconds — Treejack does it all for you. Back up your recommendations with data from real people, and make it easy to share your study findings with key stakeholders.

How do I retest a tree in Treejack?

You can download a CSV file of the tree you build to have a spreadsheet copy as well. To retest the same tree, you can simply replicate the first test and make your changes in within Treejack before relaunching. A tree test will give you data on specific section of your website.

Who is tjack denmo?

JACK DENMO A man and his friends making funny videos based out of Toronto, Canada. PRESS CONTACT: [email protected]