What is contributory asset charge?

A contributory asset charge is a charge against revenues to reflect a fair return on or return of contributory assets used in the generation of the cash flows associated with the intangible asset being valued. Once determined, contributory asset charges are typically allocated based on revenues.

What is Wara in valuation?

The weighted average return on assets, or WARA, is the collective rates of return on the various types of tangible and intangible assets of a company. The presumption of a WARA is that each class of a company’s asset base (such as manufacturing equipment, contracts, software, brand names, etc.)

What is Mpeem?

Multi-Period Excess Earnings Method (MPEEM): A variation of discounted cash-flow analysis, the MPEEM isolates cash flows associated with a specific intangible asset, then discounts them to present value.

How do I value my license?

If appropriate income and expense data are available, licenses may be valued using the income approach. Using the income approach, the license value is estimated by calculating the pres- ent value of the income generated by the owner/ operator’s ability to conduct business granted by the license.

How do you calculate Wara?

WARA assumes that sum of the relative values or “weightings” of all assets (monetary, tangible and intangible) multiplied by their respective rates of return should reconcile back to the weighted average cost of capital (“WACC”), the discount rate associated with the Business Enterprise.

How do you calculate the value of an asset?

Net Asset Value (NAV) Formula

  1. Net Asset Value (NAV) = Fund Assets – Fund Liabilities.
  2. Net Asset Value (NAV) Per Unit = (Fund Assets – Fund Liabilities) ÷ Number of Units Outstanding.

How is Wara calculated?

Is WACC same as IRR?

IRR & WACC The primary difference between WACC and IRR is that where WACC is the expected average future costs of funds (from both debt and equity sources), IRR is an investment analysis technique used by companies to decide if a project should be undertaken.

Are permits an asset?

Licenses and permits are sometimes categorized as contract intangible assets because they grant protective rights to an individual or entity.

What is a contributory asset?

2.1.01 Contributory assets are defined as assets that are used in conjunction with the subject intangible asset in the realization of prospective cash flows associated with the subject intangible asset.

What are the income streams attributable to the intangible asset?

The income streams attributable to the intangible asset are those in excess of the fair returns on all assets that contribute to the income generating process ( ). CACs generally refl ect an estimate of the amount a typical market participant would have to pay to use these contributory assets to generate income with the intangible asset.

What is contributory value?

Contributory value is the worth or value that a single component or part provides in relation to the total value of the whole. Contributory value is most commonly used in the context of real estate, and specifically in relation to property values.

What are contributory assets (CACs) in PFI?

This req uires the identification of the relevant contributory assets and an assessment of whether the return of and on investments in all contributory assets is appropriately reflected in the PFI. CAC are also sometimes referred to as capital charges or economic rents.