What is FTTPoD?

What is FTTPoD. FTTP stands for Fibre to the Premises. Full Fibre broadband is the ‘very best’ in broadband technology where a full-fibre service is installed into your home. There’s no copper in part of the delivery like FTTC/ fibre to the cabinet, or like Virgin Media’s coax cables.

Can you pay to have FTTP installed?

In a normal native FTTP rollout Openreach foots the bill from its own pocket to install the fibre cable down your street, but in a FoD installation it’s the customer who chooses to pay for the expensive civil engineering side of that build (often there would be no other prospect for FTTP without it).

Who provides FTTP demand?

Who are the FTTP on Demand Providers? Amvia, BT, Zen, Cerberus, Syscomm, Spectrum Internet & Plusnet are leading FTTP providers, but there are over 50 other providers serving businesses throughout the UK. In fact, any ISP that provides FTTC can offer you FTTP on Demand.

How much to get FTTP installed UK?

Current FTTP Build Costs The costs range from an eye watering £39,000 to a low of £4,000. The average cost over the sample set was £22,300.

What is Soadsl?

Single Order Transitional Access Product (SOTAP) ETA September 2021. SOTAP, also known as SOADSL, will be used where Openreach fibre is unavailable. It will deliver a copper path between end customer’s premises and the exchange, providing ADSL broadband for over the top business application like IP Voice.

Can I pay BT to install fibre optic?

Unfortunatley there is nothing you can do. You can’t pay extra to get a better service. Your only options are satellite broadband, or getting a leased line but leased lines cost around £500-600 per month and are really aimed at businesses.

How long does FTTP take to install?

Typically, installation (of both elements) takes about two hours. A fibre cable is fed from the nearby Connectorised Block Terminal to the outside of the premises, either from a nearby telegraph pole or underground chamber.

Can I keep my landline with FTTP?

Can you keep your landline number on FTTP? If you install FTTP and simultaneously terminate the FTTC and its linked phone service, you’ll lose your number. If you run FTTP and FTTC in parallel, you then have a number of options for transferring the phone service and cancelling the FTTC.

Is FTTP available in my area?

The first place you might want to look is Openreach’s FTTP checker here: https://www.openreach.com/fibre-broadband. Hit the “Check my availability” button and enter your postcode to find out if FTTP is available in your area now.

Can I get FTTP to my house UK?

Full Fibre is rolling out across the UK, so it’s not available everywhere yet. We’re moving quickly though, and thousands of homes are being connected every day. You can see if it’s available where you live by going to our broadband deals page and entering your postcode.

Is there a wait time for fttpod orders?

Nope. My info is FTTPoD order capacity hasn’t been reached or required any wait times for orders to be accepted for many months, possibly even a year now. I’ve been involved in 3 orders progressing through survey and acceptance in the last 6 months and all were done with no wait times.

What is FTTP broadband?

FTTP broadband supports the latest communications technologies that enable your office-based staff and remote workers to collaborate more easily and be more productive. Revolutionize your business through gigabit-capable FTTP! Thank you for using FTTP Checker.

Is there still support for Gea over FTTP?

There is still a 24 x 7 x 365 support service. So you can report a fault as soon as it occurs and minimise downtime. Although not as strong as a fibre leased line SLA, significant service guarantees back GEA over FTTP services. The guarantees cover features such as speed and availability.

What does Openreach’s £15bn FTTP investment mean for fod build costs?

However, Openreach’s £15bn investment, which aims to expand the reach of their FTTP network to cover 25 million UK premises by December 2026, has presented an opportunity to trial a different approach to FoD’s build costs. For eligible orders, the FOD build charge under the trial will now be set as follows: