What is thalamic atrophy?
“Thalamic atrophy is one of the earliest brain changes seen in patients with MS and is associated with cognitive impairment, physical disability and fatigue,” Dr. Mahajan reports. “In addition, the extent of atrophy is correlated with progression of disability, which makes it a potential marker for neurodegeneration.”
What causes focal brain atrophy?
Diseases that cause cerebral atrophy include: stroke and traumatic brain injury. Alzheimer’s disease, Pick’s disease, and fronto-temporal dementia. cerebral palsy, in which lesions (damaged areas) may impair motor coordination.
Can atrophy of the brain be reversed?
It’s not possible to reverse brain atrophy after it has occurred. However, preventing brain damage, especially by preventing a stroke, may reduce the amount of atrophy that you develop over time. Some researchers suggest that healthy lifestyle strategies could minimize the atrophy that’s normally associated with aging.
What is thalamic volume loss?
Thalamic volume loss could be an early sign of poor cognitive performance in aMCI. • Thalamic volume loss might predate the atrophy of amygdala. • Amygdala volume is the least sensitive for differentiation of dementia stages.
What will happen if the thalamus is damaged?
Damage to a portion of the thalamus is associated with risk of coma. Damage in a portion of the thalamus can lead to sensory changes in a body part. Damage here can also cause movement disorders, lack of movement (motor disturbances).
What disease affects the thalamus?
The thalamus has been implicated in CI in MS and several other neurological disorders. Reduced thalamic volume has been associated with CI in patients with epilepsy (14), dementia (15), stroke (16), and traumatic brain injury (17).
What happens if thalamus is damaged?
While thalamus damage primarily causes sensory problems, it can also lead to behavioral and cognitive changes. For example, many patients with a thalamus injury have incorrect speech patterns and can struggle to find the right words. Others display apathy and memory problems.