What is the difference between rather than and than?

Than” is used for comparison and “rather than”is used to show that something is less preferred than the other. For example- . “He is taller than her”. “I will stay inside the school rather than roaming around the field”.

Is it correct to say different than?

“Different from” and “different than” are both standard, but some guides frown on “different than.” If you want to be safe, use “different from.”

What is the difference between different than and different from?

So a big distinction between the two expressions is this: different from typically requires a noun or noun form to complete the expression, while different than may be followed by a clause. New Fowler says that both different from and different than have flourished in America. New Fowler, p.

What is the meaning of rather than?

Definition of rather than (Entry 1 of 2) 1 —used with the infinitive form of a verb to indicate negation as a contrary choice or wish rather than continue the argument, he walked awaychose to sing rather than play violin.

How do you use rather than?

Typically, the base forms of the verbs are used (often with to omitted before the verb following rather than). For exercise, I walk rather than run. He decided to call rather than text. Rather than repair the car, I prefer to buy a new one.

How do you use rather correctly?

We use rather as a degree adverb (rather cold, rather nice). We also use it to express alternatives and preferences (green rather than blue, coffee rather than tea, slowly rather than quickly).

Can we use different than?

There are three common prepositions or conjunctions used with different: from, than, and to. Different from is the oldest of these, showing evidence of use back to the 15th century. However, different to and different than are hardly recent additions to our language, having also been in use for hundreds of years.

How do you use different in a sentence?

Adam is so different from/to his brother. This house is very different from/to your last one. In British English, people often say different than before a clause, but many speakers consider this to be incorrect: His accent is different now than before he went to Australia.

What is the difference between rather than and instead of?

When the main clause has a to – infinitive, rather than is usually followed by an infinitive without to or -ing form. e.g – I decided to write rather than phone/phoning. Instead of – suggests that one person, thing or action replaces another. Instead is not used alone as a preposition; we use the two words instead of.

How can I replace rather than?

rather than

  1. rather.
  2. alternately.
  3. alternative.
  4. as a substitute.
  5. in lieu.
  6. in place of.
  7. in preference.
  8. on behalf of.

What is a synonym for rather than?

Synonyms: Instead or instead of. instead. in lieu (of) on someone’s behalf.

Would rather to or than?

To express regret about something that has already happened, ‘would rather’ is followed by the past perfect. I’d rather you hadn’t done that = I wish you hadn’t done that. -ING forms: When the main clause has a verb in the –ing form, ‘rather than’ can be followed by –ing.