What is the Locomotory structure of Sarcodina?

sarcodine, any protozoan of the superclass (sometimes class or subphylum) Sarcodina. These organisms have streaming cytoplasm and use temporary cytoplasmic extensions called pseudopodia in locomotion (called amoeboid movement) and feeding.

What is the primary difference between Poriferans and protozoans?

Protozoa are single-celled animal-like organisms such as paramecium, amoebas, etc. Porifera is simply the phylum for sponges. Porifera means “pore bearer” because sponges have holes or pores in which they filter food from the water.

Do Sarcodina have flagella?

Some sarcodines live alone while others thrive in colonies. Some are parasites with animal or plant hosts while others are free-living. Some have flagella during some life stages while others alternate having flagella or not from one generation to the next.

What are the major characteristics of Sarcodina?

Classification of Protozoa

Classification Characteristic
Sarcodina (Amoeboid) Motile; move about using cytoplasmic extensions called pseudopods.
Ciliophora (Ciliates) Motile; covered with many, short cilia.
Sarcomastigophora (Flagellates) Motile; have one or more long flagella.

What is the structure of Rhizopoda?

Pseudopodial morphology includes broad and fan-shaped anterior extensions, finger-like tubular extensions, or a web-like network, the latter are called rhizopods. The shape of the pseudopodia, and the morphology of the enclosing shell or test, when present, are major defining taxonomic characteristics.

What is the characteristics of Rhizopoda?

Rhizopoda A phylum of the Protoctista that contains the amoebas and cellular slime moulds. They are characterized by the possession of pseudopodia, which are used for locomotion and engulfing food particles. Rhizopods are found in freshwater and marine habitats and the soil.

What is one difference between Poriferans and protists?

The main difference between sponges and protozoa is that sponges are marine invertebrates that belong to the phylum Porifera whereas protozoa are a diverse group of unicellular eukaryotes, a subdivision of kingdom Protista.

What is the difference between protists and protozoa?

Protists are often considered animal-like or plant-like because they behave similarly to multicellular organisms. Protozoa is another name for animal-like protists.

What type of locomotion is associated with Ciliophora?

Ciliophora get their name based on their method of locomotion: they swim with cilia. Cilia are short, hairlike projections of cytoplasm composed of pairs of microtubules surrounded by cell membrane. They line the cell membrane. Cilia can also be used for obtaining food.

How do Sarcodina move?

Sarcodina move by amoeboid locomotion using protoplasmic extensions called pseudopods. Mastigophora move using a whip-like flagella. Ciliata move by means of cilia which cover the body surface.

What is the classification of Rhizopoda?

According to the older method of classification, Rhizopoda was classified as follows: · Kingdom: Protozoa – Single-celled eukaryotes that may exist as free-living organisms or as parasites · Subphylum: Sarcodina – A large group consisting of amoebas and amoeba-like organisms that move and trap food with the use of pseudopods.

What is the anatomy of the class Sarcodina?

Sarcodines anatomy is very simple as it only consists of a single cell, with abundant protoplasm. All the metabolic processes occur in the protoplasm. Amoeba is the key organism that is used to study the physiological and biochemical features of the class Sarcodina.

What is the mode of reproduction in Rhizopoda?

For members of the Phylum Rhizopoda, asexual multiplication through binary fission is the primary mode of reproduction. Before this takes place, the pseudopodia are withdrawn causing the organism to appear spherical in shape. The nucleus then undergoes mitosis as the cytoplasm divides into two parts.

How many types of amoeba are there in phylum Sarcodina?

* Phylum Sarcodina is estimated to consist of over 12,000 species. Morphology – The class Lobosa consists of testate and naked amoeba. Arcella and Difflugia species are examples of shelled amoeba in this group. Arcella species are characterized by an umbrella-shaped shell of varying sizes depending on the species.