Are California employers required to pay holiday pay?

I hate to dim your holiday cheer, but: neither federal law, nor California law, requires employers to give holiday pay or paid holidays. This is true whether you are an exempt salaried or non-exempt hourly paid employee. So if your employer gives holiday pay, that’s great.

How much do you get paid for holiday pay in California?

California requires that when an employee works more than 40 hours a week, those extra hours are paid as time and a half. Although employees are not entitled to receive a holiday off, they are entitled to receive time-and-a-half for their work.

What happens when a holiday falls on your day off?

When a holiday falls on a nonworkday outside a full-time employee’s basic workweek, he or she is entitled to an “in lieu of” holiday. The general rule is that the “in lieu of” holiday is the workday immediately preceding the nonworkday on which the holiday fell.

How is holiday pay rate calculated?

To work out how much holiday pay you should be paid, you should work out your average weekly pay over the last 52 weeks. Add together your pay for the previous 52 weeks – including any overtime, commission or bonuses you got during that time. Then divide that by 52 to get your weekly average pay.

What holidays are paid in California?

Holidays. Hours worked on holidays, Saturdays, and Sundays are treated like hours worked on any other day of the week. California law does not require that an employer provide its employees with paid holidays, that it close its business on any holiday, or that employees be given the day off for any particular holiday.

How much is holiday pay in California?

California law does not require the employer to pay any additional pay if an employee works on the day of a holiday unless it is part of their common practice or if the employee has worked in excess of a 40 hour, 8 hour per day work week. Saturdays and Sunday are also paid at the same rate as hours worked during a weekday.

What are the legal holidays in California?


  • New Year’s Day (January 1)
  • Martin Luther King,Jr. Day (3rd Monday in January)
  • Lincoln Day (February 12)
  • 3rd Monday in February
  • Cesar Chavez Day (March 31)
  • Good Friday from 12 noon until 3 p.m. (date varies from year to year but usually occurs in March or April)
  • Memorial Day (last Monday in May)
  • July 4th
  • Labor Day (1st Monday in September)
  • What are the rules for holiday pay?

    a. Computation for Employees Who Didn’t Work.

  • b. Computation for Employees Who Worked for 8 Hours.
  • c. Computation for Employees Who Worked Overtime.
  • d. Computation for Employees Who Worked for 8 Hours on Their Rest Day.
  • e. Computation for Employees Who Worked Overtime on Their Rest Day.