Are winder stairs safe?
Angled or curved or winder stair treads are a particular trip hazard, especially because of the lack of uniformity and because the tread width at the inside of the angle curve can be too small for safe walking.
How much space does a winder staircase save?
The primary benefit winder staircase has over having a flat landing is its space-saving abilities. A straight staircase, for example, which is 3 feet wide and 18 feet high, fills around 105 sq feet of your space, while a winder staircase of same proportions fills 45 sq feet of space only.
What is a kite winder staircase?
Winders. Winders are steps that are narrower on one side than the other. They are used to change the direction of the stairs without landings. A series of winders form a circular or spiral stairway. When three steps are used to turn a 90° corner, the middle step is called a kite winder as a kite-shaped quadrilateral.
How many steps is a Winder?
three steps
A typical winder is formed with three steps and makes a right-angled turn to the left or right. We supply pre-made winder treads in planks with an inside winder angle of 30-degrees. These winder treads are produced in a selection of timbers.
What is a double winder staircase?
A common feature which is often required when designing the configuration and installation of a new staircase is a winder. A double winder allows a staircase to undergo a half (180 degree) turn without the need for a landing by narrowing one side of the treads and one or more winders may be required.
What is a split staircase?
Split Stairs are also known as bifurcated stairs typically have a wide set of stairs starting at the bottom that ends at a landing partway up the flight. The stairs split at the landing into two narrower sets of stairs leading in opposite directions. .
Which type of stairs is best?
L shaped stairs can help somewhat with sound transmission between floors if the stairs are contained within walls. Some believe they are safer than straight stairs as the central landing reduces the number of treads one could fall in a given flight. The landing can provide a place to stop and rest while ascending.