Can we rename tablespace name in Oracle?

In Oracle 10g, you can simply rename a tablespace TBS01 to TBS02 by issuing the following command: ALTER TABLESPACE tbs01 RENAME TO tbs02; However, you must follow the rules when renaming a tablespace: You must set compatibility level to at least 10.0.

How do I change a tablespace name?

Using the RENAME TO clause of the ALTER TABLESPACE , you can rename a permanent or temporary tablespace….Renaming Tablespaces

  1. The COMPATIBLE parameter must be set to 10.0.
  2. If the tablespace being renamed is the SYSTEM tablespace or the SYSAUX tablespace, then it will not be renamed and an error is raised.

Can we change tablespace in Oracle?

To alter the SYSAUX tablespace, you must have the SYSDBA system privilege. If you have ALTER TABLESPACE system privilege, then you can perform any ALTER TABLESPACE operation. If you have MANAGE TABLESPACE system privilege, then you can only perform the following operations: Take the tablespace online or offline.

How do I change the default tablespace in Oracle?

To set the default permanent tablespace in Oracle, you can run the following ALTER DATABASE statement: ALTER DATABASE DEFAULT TABLESPACE tbs_perm_01; This will update the default permanent tablespace to use the tbs_perm_01 tablespace.

How do I rename a DBF file in Oracle?

Use the ALTER TABLESPACE statement with the RENAME DATAFILE clause to change the filenames within the database. For example, the following statement renames the datafiles /u02/oracle/rbdb1/user1. dbf and /u02/oracle/rbdb1/user2. dbf to /u02/oracle/rbdb1/users01.

How do I rename an undo tablespace?

How to Switch to a New Undo Tablespace in Oracle Database

  1. Check your current default Undo tablespace:
  2. Determine the size of the datafile(s) for your current undo tablespace:
  3. Create a new undo tablespace of the same size (larger or smaller) depending on your database requirements.
  4. Switch to the new Undo tablespace.

How do I change the tablespace of a schema in Oracle?

How to change the default tablespace of the schema in Oracle

  1. SELECT * FROM all_all_tables WHERE TABLE_name= ‘TABLE3’;
  2. select username , default_tablespace from dba_users WHERE USERNAME = ‘DOCKER’;
  3. ALTER USER docker DEFAULT tablespace TS3;
  4. select username , default_tablespace from dba_users WHERE USERNAME = ‘DOCKER’;

How do I find the default tablespace name in Oracle?

To find the default permanent tablespace in Oracle, you can run the following SELECT statement: SELECT PROPERTY_VALUE FROM DATABASE_PROPERTIES WHERE PROPERTY_NAME = ‘DEFAULT_PERMANENT_TABLESPACE’; This will query the Oracle system tables and return the value of the default permanent tablespace.

What is Oracle default tablespace?

Default tablespaces in Oracle Oracle comes with the following default tablespaces: SYSTEM , SYSAUX , USERS , UNDOTBS1 , and TEMP . The SYSTEM and SYSAUX tablespaces store system-generated objects such as data dictionary tables. And you should not store any object in these tablespaces.

How do I change my datafile name?

To rename datafiles in a single tablespace, complete the following steps:

  1. Take the tablespace that contains the datafiles offline.
  2. Rename the datafiles using the operating system.
  3. Use the ALTER TABLESPACE statement with the RENAME DATAFILE clause to change the filenames within the database.
  4. Back up the database.

Can we rename datafile in Oracle?

Manual (Offline) Shutdown the database. Rename the physical file on the OS. Start the database in mount mode. Issue the ALTER DATABASE RENAME FILE command to rename the file within the Oracle dictionary.