How do I contact Beachbody by phone?

If you provided your information directly to us, you may easily access or update certain personal information by visiting the “Help” or “My Account” sections within your Team Beachbody or Beachbody On Demand account, or calling our Customer Service at (800) 804-4333.

Is there a phone number for Beachbody on demand?

We’ve made it easy. Find answers to your questions below. Have a question about one of our products? Call 1 (800) 207-0420.

Can you get a refund for Beachbody on demand?

If you’d like to cancel your membership, you can follow the steps below. Don’t forget, canceling your BOD membership will cancel any other memberships that require BOD, like BODi. If you are eligible for our Money Back Guarantee, you will receive a refund within 3-5 days of the cancelation.

How do I cancel Beachbody membership?

To cancel your Beachbody Subscription, follow these easy steps:

  1. Call customer service on 800-470-7870.
  2. Ask to speak with a representative.
  3. Provide them with your account information.
  4. Request immediate cancellation.
  5. Ask for a confirmation email.

Why does Beachbody ask for your social security number?

Why are Coaches required to provide a valid identification number when enrolling with Team Beachbody? Any Coach who earns commissions, bonuses or other financial compensation from Beachbody is responsible for paying federal, state, and/or local taxes on that income generated as an Independent Coach.

Is Beachbody website down?

No incidents or maintenance related to this downtime. No incidents reported today.

How do I activate beachbody on demand?

Go to your app library and launch the Beachbody app. 3. You’ll next see a screen pop up with a URL and an activation code. Enter the URL into the Internet browser on your computer, tablet, or phone and log in to your Beachbody On Demand account.

How do I cancel auto renewal on Beachbody?

Select Manage Subscriptions. Select Beachbody On Demand. Select Turn Off Auto-Renew.

How do I cancel my free Beachbody account?

Follow these instructions to cancel your Beachbody membership or subscription:

  1. Call customer service on 800-470-7870.
  2. Ask to speak with a representative.
  3. Provide them with your account information.
  4. Request immediate cancellation.
  5. Ask for a confirmation email.

Can you cancel Beachbody anytime?

Beachbody says that you can cancel your membership at any time by calling 1-800-470-7870 or by visiting this website.