How do you identify a microalgae?

Molecular identification Isolates of Microalgae Identification of molecular generally consist of DNA extraction, amplification by PCR using 18S rDNA of eukaryotic microalgae and 16S rDNA primer for prokaryotic microalgae electrophoresis followed by PCR product purification and sequencing.

What species is microalgae?

Microalgae are unicellular algal species that may either live singly or in colonies. Macroalgae are multicellular algal species. They are commonly called seaweeds because they can grow profusely at any time. Microalgae include the dinoflagellates, the diatoms, and other single-celled algal species.

How many microalgae species are there?

The biodiversity of microalgae is enormous and they represent an almost untapped resource. It has been estimated that about 200,000-800,000 species in many different genera exist of which about 50,000 species are described. Over 15,000 novel compounds originating from algal biomass have been chemically determined.

How do you detect algae in water?

Cyanobacterial blooms are generally detected and monitored by analysing the way that phycocyanin — a pigment in the algae — absorbs and reflects light. The pigment can be identified by its ‘optical signature’, which is based on the complex relationship between light absorption and reflectance.

What are the three types of microalgae?

Regarding the energy and carbon sources used for their metabolism, microalgae can grow in three different ways: autotrophy, heterotrophy, and mixotrophy [12, 13].

How many known species of algae are there?

Algae have been estimated to include anything from 30,000 to more than 1 million species.

How to identify microalgae species?

The identification of microalgae species was done by observation under light microscope, while lip id profiling was done by measuring the lipid total using Nile Red Staining and the fatty acid profiling was done by using GC-MS method.

How are microalgae adapted to their environment?

They are specially adapted to an environment dominated by viscous forces. Microalgae, capable of performing photosynthesis, are important for life on earth; they produce approximately half of the atmospheric oxygen and use simultaneously the greenhouse gas carbon dioxide to grow photoautotrophically.

What is microalgae biomass?

Microalgae, together with bacteria, form the base of the food web and provide energy for all the trophic levels above them. Microalgae biomass is often measured with chlorophyll a concentrations and can provide a useful index of potential production. The biodiversity of microalgae is enormous and they represent an almost untapped resource.

How do microalgae accumulate the desired products?

It is possible to accumulate the desired products in microalgae to a large extent by changing environmental factors, like temperature, illumination, pH, CO 2 supply, salt and nutrients. Microphytes also produce chemical signals which contribute to prey selection, defense, and avoidance.