How does a burdock seed travel?

The seeds of some plants are dispersed by animals. Plants such as burdock have hooks to which the seed is attached. These hooks easily get caught in the fur of mammals as they pass by the plant. At some point the seed will fall, often a considerable distance from the parent.

What is Arctium extract?

Background: Arctium lappa L. root has traditionally been recommended as an aphrodisiac agent. It is used to treat impotence and sterility in China, and Native Americans included the root in herbal preparations for women in labor. However, its use has not been scientifically validated.

What are the features of burdock?

Growth Characteristics: Burdock is a tall, unmistakable plant. It flowers from July until frost, and reproduces by seed. The barbed flowers and seeds will attach to almost anything. Flowers: Flower heads are purple, stalked, ½ – 1 inch thick, numerous, and occur at the ends of branches and axils of upper leaves.

Where does burdock grow?

Burdock thrives along river banks, disturbed habitats, roadsides, vacant lots, and fields. It grows throughout North America but not in the southern regions.

Which seed is dispersed by wind?

Wind dispersal Seeds from plants like dandelions, swan plants and cottonwood trees are light and have feathery bristles and can be carried long distances by the wind. Some plants, like kauri and maple trees, have ‘winged’ seeds.

What is wind dispersal?

Definition. Referring to a type of seed dispersal in which the diaspores are carried away from the mother plant by the wind. The most common types of wind-dispersed plants are those with winged fruits and seeds and comose seeds.

What is the difference between Arctium nemorosum and Arctium minus?

bur-like flower heads 25-45 mm wide and array of flower heads flat-topped (vs. A. minus, with bur-like flower heads 15-25 mm wide and array of flower heads not flat-topped). 2. Arctium minus Bernh. E common burdock. Lappa minor Hill • CT, MA, ME, NH, RI, VT. Fields, roadsides, vacant lots. Plants called Arctium nemorosum Lej.

Does a simple wind threshold affect the dispersal kernels of seeds?

The inclusion of a simple wind threshold in seed dispersal models had different effects on the median and the tail of the dispersal kernels in previous studies, either significantly increasing them (Schippers & Jongejans 2005; Soons & Bullock 2008) or having negligible or non-conclusive effects (Stephenson et al. 2007; Bohrer et al. 2008 ).

How does wind affect abscission by seed dispersal?

Diaspore abscission determines many aspects of seed dispersal by wind. While there is yet no complete mechanistic framework for understanding abscission by wind, empirical studies to date have suggested that abscission generally (i) occurs above some threshold wind speed and (ii) depends on the drag force generated by the wind.

Are windy conditions important for seed dispersal?

This agrees with Soons & Bullock ( 2008) who suggested that seed dispersal primarily initiates during gusts, and gusts may even be more important in contributing to LDD than general windy conditions.