What are the conjugations of OIR?

Conjugation of ‘Oír’

  • oyendo (hearing)
  • oído (heard)
  • yo oigo, tú oyes, usted/él/ella oye, nosotros/as oímos, vosotros/as oís, ustedes/ellos/ellas oyen (I hear, you hear, he hears, etc.)

Does oiste have accent?

The first person singular (yo) already has an accent mark on the preterite ending (‘-í’) and so does not need any further change. Verbs that add accent marks to these three forms include the following: Oír (to hear): oí, oíste, oyó, oímos, oísteis, oyeron. Leer (to read): leí, leíste, leyó, leímos, leísteis, leyeron.

How do you use OIR?

The infinitive of the verb “oír” is simply “oír”. That’s because you use it in sentences when oír is just a qualifying word for another active verb. For example: “Puedo oír al mar desde mi ventana”, means “I can hear the ocean from my window”. In this case, the acting verb is “poder” (to be able to), rather than “oír”.

Is OIR stem changing?

Oír is an irregular verb, so pay attention to the spelling in every form. Notice that the i from the stem becomes y in some of the forms. This is to avoid having three vowels together. Note: Only Spaniards use the form vosotros/as when addressing more than one person in informal situations.

How do you use Traer?

Use traer to ask your waiter to bring you something. Llevar is the verb you would use to volunteer to take a dish to a friend’s buffet…and then traer when you are actually at the party and telling someone what you brought.

Is Mi Familia plural?

The verb viajó is in the singular, agreeing with familia, but the rest of the verbs (where the tacit subject is mi familia) are all plural, as well as the indirect object pronoun les, because mi familia is semantically plural. This is actually the natural way of expressing this in Spanish.

What is seguir stem change?

Seguir is a stem-changing verb, so to form its present subjunctive we need its irregular stem sig-. Notice that the u from the infinitive disappears! Note: You’ll only hear the form vosotros/as in Spain, where speakers use it to address a group of people in an informal situation.

Is Repetir irregular?

Repetir is slightly irregular in the present, which means that one of the vowels in the stem changes throughout its conjugation.