What does the base do in an aldol condensation reaction?

Aldol condensation is an organic reaction in which an enolate ion reacts with carboxyl compound in order to form a β– hydroxy aldehyde or β– hydroxy ketone. Hydroxide functions as a base and therefore moves the acidic a-hydrogen producing the reactive enolate ion.

What does NaOH do in an aldol condensation reaction?

NaOH it undergoes self condensation as it contains alpha-hydrogen atom in its compound forming β-hydroxyaldehyde (an aldol) namely 3-Hydroxy butanal. This compound upon further heating will eliminate a molecule of water forming aldol condensation product namely Crotonaldehyde Or But-2-en-al.

What is base catalyzed aldol condensation?

Base catalysed aldol-condensation occurs with propionaldehyde. Aldehydes and ketones having α –H atom are treated with dilute alkali ,two molecules of such compound condense to form β-hydroxy aldehyde and β–hydroxy ketone. The reaction is called as aldol condensation.

Does ketone react with NaOH?

Aldehyde or ketone which has alpha hydrogen reacts with any strong bases such as NaOH, KOH and Ba(OH)2 and give aldol as the product.

Why dilute NaOH is used in aldol condensation?

Well, we know that we use dilute base in Aldol Condensation because In Aldol Condensation we have a Aldehyde or ketone having alpha Hydrogen ( which should be acidic in nature) , now as we know that OH- is a Nucleophilic base i.e it can act both as a base and as a Nucleophile (when acidic Hydrogen is absent).

Can aldol condensation occurs in acidic medium?

The acid-catalyzed aldol condensation begins with conversion of a ketone (or aldehyde) to an enol, which then attacks another aldehyde or ketone which has been activated by protonation of the carbonyl oxygen. This is referred to as the “aldol addition” reaction.

Do aldehydes react with bases?

Aldehydes that have α hydrogens react with themselves when mixed with a dilute aqueous acid or base. The resulting compounds, β‐hydroxy aldehydes, are referred to as aldol compounds because they possess both an aldehyde and alcohol functional group.

Is NaOH an acid or base?

Sodium hydroxide (Na OH), also known as lye or caustic soda, is a caustic metallic base. An alkali, caustic soda is widely used in many industries, mostly as a strong chemical base in the manufacture of pulp and paper, textiles, drinking water, and detergents.

Can aldol condensation occur with ketones?

The aldol condensation of ketones with aryl aldehydes to form α,β-unsaturated derivatives is called the Claisen-Schmidt reaction.

Do ketones give aldol condensation?

In an aldol condensation between an aldehyde and a ketone, the ketone acts as the nucleophile, as its carbonyl carbon does not possess high electrophilic character due to the +I effect and steric hindrance. Usually, the crossed product is the major one.

What is the aldol reaction of ketones?

Ch18: Aldol reaction of RC=OR Chapter 18: Enols and Enolates The Aldol Reaction of Ketones Reaction type : Nucleophilic addition Summary Reagents : commonly a base such as NaOH or KOH is added to the ketone. Although ketone enolates are good nucleophiles, the aldol reaction of ketones is usually not particularly successful.

What is the aldol reaction of RC=or?

Ch18: Aldol reaction of RC=OR Chapter 18: Enols and Enolates The Aldol Reaction of Ketones Reaction type : Nucleophilic addition Summary Reagents : commonly a base such as NaOH or KOH is added to the ketone.

How are 1 3 diketones synthesized from α β unsaturated ketones?

Substituted 1,3-diketones were synthesized from α,β-unsaturated ketones by treatment with acid chlorides and Et 2 Zn in the presence of RhCl (PPh 3) 3. The reaction offers a very simple and chemoselective acylation at the α-position of α,β-unsaturated ketones.

What is the chemical formula for a diketone complex?

Tris (diketonato) complexes (diketone = Hacac, Hbzbz, Hbzac or Hdpm (= dipivaloylmethane)) were also prepared by reaction of [M (C 5 H 5) 4] (M = Zr or Hf) with excess of the appropriate diketone. 17,18,22