What does the spleen sound in percussion?

Percussion over dense organ tissues, like the spleen or the liver, produces a dull sound… Therefore, the contrast between dullness versus tympany allows for determination of the margins of these organs and thus help in detection of conditions like hepatomegaly or splenomegaly.

Where is the percussion of the spleen perform?

Splenic Percussion Sign (Castell’s Sign): Percuss the most inferior interspace on the left anterior axillary line (Castell’s Point). This is usually tympanic.

Is spleen dull to percussion?

When the patient inspires, the spleen moves inferiorly along the posterolateral abdominal wall. If the spleen is enlarged enough that the inferior pole reaches the eighth or ninth intercostal space, a dull percussion note will be appreciated, indicating splenomegaly.

How do you Auscultate your spleen?

The left upper quadrant and left lower ribs anteriorly and laterally should be auscultated for evidence of a splenic rub (i.e., a coarse, scratching sound coincident with inspiration).

How do you Percuss your liver and spleen?


  1. Starting in the midclavicular line at about the 3rd intercostal space, lightly percuss and move down.
  2. Percuss inferiorly until dullness denotes the liver’s upper border (usually at 5th intercostal space in MCL).
  3. Resume percussion from below the umbilicus on the midclavicular line in an area of tympany.

Where is the spleen palpable?

The spleen is not normally palpable except in slender young adults. When the spleen can be felt below the left costal margin, at rest or on inspiration, splenic enlargement should be assumed and the explanation sought.

How do you check your spleen?

Blood tests, such as a complete blood count to check the number of red blood cells, white blood cells and platelets in your system and liver function. Ultrasound or CT scan to help determine the size of your spleen and whether it’s crowding other organs. MRI to trace blood flow through the spleen.

Why spleen is not palpable?

How do you assess your spleen?

Palpation. Palpation is performed by standing on the patient’s right side and reaching over with the left hand to support the rib cage. Place your right hand just below the costal margin, leaving enough room to detect an enlarged spleen, and depressing the hand inward and upward to locate the splenic edge.

How can you tell if spleen is enlarged?


  • Pain or fullness in the left upper belly that can spread to the left shoulder.
  • A feeling of fullness without eating or after eating a small amount because the spleen is pressing on your stomach.
  • Low red blood cells (anemia)
  • Frequent infections.
  • Bleeding easily.